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There are 13 words ending with ZAL

GAZALgazal n. Alternative form of ghazal.
GAZAL n. (Arabic) a Persian or Arabic verse form, also GHAZAL, GHAZEL.
BENZALbenzal n. (Chemistry) A transparent crystalline substance, C6H5.CO. NH2, obtained by the action of ammonia on…
BENZAL n. a radical in oil of bitter almonds.
GHAZALghazal n. A poetic form mostly used for love poetry in Middle Eastern, South, and Central Asian poetry.
Ghazal prop.n. A surname from Arabic.
GHAZAL n. (Arabic) a Persian verse form, also GAZAL, GHAZEL.
QUEZALquezal n. Archaic form of quetzal. (the bird)
QUEZAL n. (Nahuatl) a tropical bird, also QUETZAL.
CORYZALcoryzal adj. Pertaining to coryza.
CORYZAL adj. relating to a head cold.
QUETZALquetzal n. Any trogon of the genus Pharomacrus, especially the resplendent quetzal, Pharomacrus mocinno, which…
quetzal n. A monetary unit used in Guatemala, equal to 100 centavos.
QUETZAL n. (Nahuatl) a tropical bird, also QUEZAL.
ARRHIZALarrhizal adj. (Botany) Having no roots.
ARRHIZAL adj. lacking roots.
CAPSIZALcapsizal n. A capsizing or overturning.
CAPSIZAL n. the overturning of a boat.
CHALAZALchalazal adj. Of or pertaining to the chalaza.
CHALAZAL adj. of or pertaining to the chalaza, the base of the ovule.
ENDORHIZALendorhizal adj. (Botany) Having the radicle of the embryo sheathed by the cotyledon, through which the embryo bursts…
ENDORHIZAL adj. having the radicle of the embryo enclosed in a sheath.
INFLUENZALinfluenzal adj. Of or relating to influenza.
INFLUENZAL adj. relating to influenza.
MYCORHIZALMYCORHIZAL adj. of or like a mycorhiza, a fungus associated with the root of a plant, the association being of mutual benefit, also MYCORRHIZAL.
MYCORRHIZALmycorrhizal adj. Of or pertaining to a mycorrhiza.
MYCORRHIZAL adj. of or like a mycorhiza, a fungus associated with the root of a plant, the association being of mutual benefit, also MYCORHIZAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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