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List of 5-letter words ending with

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There are 12 five-letter words ending with YE

ALEYEALEYE v. to quell, also ALLAY, ALAY.
BARYEbarye n. (Physics) A unit of pressure under the CGS system; symbol Ba; equal to 1 dyne per square centimeter…
BARYE n. a unit of pressure.
BEDYEbedye v. (Transitive) To dye or stain.
BEDYE v. to dye or stain.
CLOYECLOYE v. (Shakespeare) to claw.
DEBYEdebye n. (Physics) The CGS unit of electric dipole moment, defined as 1 D = 10-18 statcoulomb-centimetre and…
Debye prop.n. A surname.
DEBYE n. a unit of measure for electric dipole moments.
HERYEherye v. To praise, to glorify, to honour.
HERYE v. (Spenser) to praise, regard as holy, also HERRY, HERY.
INBYEinbye adv. (Mining) pertaining to the direction towards the coal face.
inbye adv. When above ground, pertaining to the direction towards the house.
INBYE adv. (Scots) towards the interior, by the house, also INBY.
OXEYEoxeye n. Several daisy-like flowers in various genera…
oxeye n. Any oxeye daisy.
oxeye n. The corn camomile (Anthemis arvensis).
PIOYEPIOYE n. (Scots) a homemade firework, also PEEOY, PIOY.
PLOYEployé adj. (Heraldry) Bowed, curved.
PLOYE n. a buckwheat pancake.
REDYEredye v. To dye again.
re-dye v. (Transitive) To dye again.
REDYE v. to dye again.
UPBYEUPBYE adv. a little further on, also UPBY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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