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There are 16 ten-letter words ending with WISE

ANTHEMWISEanthemwise adv. (Obsolete, music) Alternately.
ANTHEMWISE adv. in the manner of an antiphonal anthem.
BRIDLEWISEbridlewise adj. (Of a horse) Responsive to the bridle.
BRIDLEWISE adj. of a horse, obedient to the pressure of the reins on the neck rather than to the bit.
CORNERWISEcornerwise adv. Diagonally.
CORNERWISE adv. with the corner in front, also CORNERWAYS.
DEXTERWISEdexterwise adj. (Heraldry, archaic) dexter; on the right-hand side from the wearer’s viewpoint.
DEXTERWISE adv. on the right-hand side e.g. of a shield.
LENGTHWISElengthwise adj. In the long direction of an oblong object.
lengthwise adv. In the long direction of an oblong object.
LENGTHWISE adv. in the direction of the length, also LENGTHWAYS.
MIRRORWISEmirrorwise adv. In the manner of a mirror reflection; reversed.
MIRRORWISE adv. in the fashion of a mirror.
PARCELWISEparcelwise adj. In parcels or allotments; piecemeal, fragmented.
parcelwise adv. In a parcelwise fashion.
PARCELWISE adv. by parcels, piecemeal.
PLOUGHWISEploughwise adj. Moving, like a plough on a field, alternately from left to right and from right to left.
ploughwise adv. In a ploughwise manner.
PLOUGHWISE adv. as in ploughing, also PLOWWISE.
PROFITWISEprofitwise adv. In terms of profit.
PROFITWISE adv. by way of profit.
RANDOMWISErandomwise adv. (Rare) randomly.
randomwise adj. (Rare) random.
RANDOMWISE adv. in a random fashion.
SCROLLWISEscrollwise adv. In the manner of a scroll.
SCROLLWISE adv. in the fashion of a scroll.
SQUAREWISEsquarewise adj. Laid out or moving in a square.
squarewise adv. With a square layout or motion.
SQUAREWISE adv. in squares.
STOLENWISESTOLENWISE adv. (archaic) by stealth.
STREETWISEstreetwise adj. Having the necessary knack, personality and instinct for survival in rough, urban environments.
streetwise adj. Possessing a style that embodies the life and microculture located within urban settings, typically in the States.
street-wise adj. Alternative spelling of streetwise.
TANDEMWISEtandemwise adj. Arranged in tandem (one behind the other).
tandemwise adv. Arranged in tandem (one behind the other).
TANDEMWISE adv. in tandem.
THWARTWISEthwartwise adj. (Archaic) Athwart; from side to side; across.
thwartwise adv. (Archaic) Athwart; from side to side; across.
THWARTWISE adv. crosswise; from side to side, also THWARTWAYS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 100 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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