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There are 17 words ending with VIOUS

BIVIOUSbivious adj. (Rare) Having, or leading, two ways.
BIVIOUS adj. (obsolete) offering a choice; splitting between two directions.
DEVIOUSdevious adj. Cunning or deceiving, not straightforward or honest, not frank.
devious adj. Roundabout, circuitous, deviating from the direct or ordinary route.
DEVIOUS adj. indirect.
ENVIOUSenvious adj. Feeling or exhibiting envy; jealously desiring the excellence or good fortune of another; maliciously grudging.
envious adj. Excessively careful; cautious.
envious adj. (Obsolete) Malignant; mischievous; spiteful.
IMPERVIOUSimpervious adj. Unaffected or unable to be affected by something.
impervious adj. Preventive of any penetration; impenetrable, impermeable, particularly of water.
impervious adj. Immune to damage or effect.
INVIOUSinvious adj. (Obsolete, poetic) untrodden.
invious adj. (Obsolete, poetic) impassable.
INVIOUS adj. impassable.
LASCIVIOUSlascivious adj. Wanton; lewd, driven by lust, lustful.
LASCIVIOUS adj. lustful; inclining or tending to lechery.
LIXIVIOUSlixivious adj. Alternative form of lixivial.
LIXIVIOUS adj. impregnated with a salt or salts like a lixivium.
MULTIVIOUSmultivious adj. Having many paths or roads.
MULTIVIOUS adj. leading in many directions; offering many different paths.
NONOBVIOUSnonobvious adj. Not obvious.
non-obvious adj. Not obvious.
NONOBVIOUS n. that which is not obvious.
OBLIVIOUSoblivious adj. (Usually followed by to or of) Lacking awareness; unmindful; unaware, unconscious of.
oblivious adj. Failing to remember; forgetful.
OBLIVIOUS adj. forgetful.
OBVIOUSobvious adj. Easily discovered, seen, or understood; self-explanatory.
OBVIOUS adj. easily understood.
OVEROBVIOUSoverobvious adj. Excessively obvious.
OVEROBVIOUS adj. too obvious.
PERVIOUSpervious adj. Admitting passage; capable of being penetrated by another body or substance; permeable.
pervious adj. Accepting of new ideas.
pervious adj. Capable of being penetrated, or seen through, by physical or mental vision.
PLUVIOUSpluvious adj. Involving or relating to rain; rainy.
PREVIOUSprevious adj. (Not comparable) Prior; occurring before something else, either in time or order.
previous adj. (Informal) Premature; acting or occurring too soon.
previous n. (Informal, UK) An existing criminal record (short for "previous convictions").
UNENVIOUSunenvious adj. Not envious.
UNENVIOUS adj. not envious.
UNOBVIOUSunobvious adj. Not obvious.
UNOBVIOUS adj. not obvious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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