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There are 19 words ending with VANCE

ADVANCEadvance v. To promote or advantage.
advance v. To move forward in space or time.
advance v. To raise, be raised.
ARRIVANCEarrivance n. (Obsolete) Arrival.
ARRIVANCE n. (Shakespeare) company arriving, also ARRIVANCY.
CALAVANCEcalavance n. Any bean, but especially the hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus).
calavance n. Food made from beans.
CALAVANCE n. a kind of pulse, also CARAVANCE.
CARAVANCEcaravance n. Alternative form of calavance.
CARAVANCE n. a kind of pulse, also CALAVANCE.
GRIEVANCEgrievance n. (Countable) Something which causes grief.
grievance n. (Countable) A wrong or hardship suffered, which is the grounds of a complaint.
grievance n. (Uncountable) Feelings of being wronged; outrage.
READVANCEreadvance v. To advance again.
READVANCE v. to advance again.
RELEVANCErelevance n. The property or state of being relevant or pertinent.
RELEVANCE n. the state of being relevant, also RELEVANCY.
APPROVANCEapprovance n. (Archaic) Approval.
APPROVANCE n. (archaic) approval.
CAPTIVANCEcaptivance n. (Obsolete, rare) Captivity.
CAPTIVANCE n. (Spenser) captivity, also CAPTIVAUNCE.
CONNIVANCEconnivance n. (Law) The process of conniving or conspiring.
CONNIVANCE n. the act of conniving, also CONNIVANCY.
DISADVANCEdisadvance v. (Obsolete, transitive) To draw back, pull back.
DISADVANCE v. (Spenser) to draw back, or cause to draw back, also DISAVAUNCE.
OBSERVANCEobservance n. The practice of complying with a law, custom, command or rule.
observance n. The custom of celebrating a holiday or similar occasion.
observance n. Observation or the act of watching.
SURVIVANCEsurvivance n. (Now rare) Survival.
survivance n. Succession to an estate, office etc. of someone who survives the previous holder, as nominated by them; survivorship.
survivance n. (Canada) The survival of Francophone culture in the face of Anglo-American hegemony.
CONTRIVANCEcontrivance n. A (mechanical) device to perform a certain task.
contrivance n. A means, such as an elaborate plan or strategy, to accomplish a certain objective.
contrivance n. Something overly artful or artificial.
IRRELEVANCEirrelevance n. Lack of relationship with the topic at hand; lack of importance.
IRRELEVANCE n. the state of being irrelevant, also IRRELEVANCY.
INOBSERVANCEinobservance n. Lack of observance.
INOBSERVANCE n. lack of attention.
UNOBSERVANCEunobservance n. Lack or neglect of observance.
UNOBSERVANCE n. lack of observance.
MISOBSERVANCEmisobservance n. The instance or practice of not complying with a law, custom, command or rule.
misobservance n. The custom of not celebrating a holiday or similar occasion.
MISOBSERVANCE n. an incorrect observance.
NONOBSERVANCEnonobservance n. The failure to observe a custom, or to conform with a law.
NONOBSERVANCE n. a lack of observance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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