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There are 16 words ending with VIL

EVILevil adj. Intending to harm; malevolent.
evil adj. Morally corrupt.
evil adj. Unpleasant, foul (Of odour, taste, mood, weather, etc.).
ANVILanvil n. A heavy iron block used in the blacksmithing trade as a surface upon which metal can be struck and shaped.
anvil n. (Anatomy) The incus bone in the middle ear.
anvil n. A stone or other hard surface used by a bird for breaking the shells of snails.
CAVILcavil v. (Intransitive) To criticise for petty or frivolous reasons.
cavil n. A petty or trivial objection or criticism.
CAVIL v. to raise trivial and frivolous objections.
CIVILcivil adj. (Not comparable) Having to do with people and government office as opposed to the military or religion.
civil adj. (Comparable) Behaving in a reasonable or polite manner.
civil adj. (Archaic) In a peaceful and well-ordered state.
DEVILdevil prop.n. (Theology) The chief devil; Satan.
devil n. (Theology) An evil creature, the objectification of a hostile and destructive force.
devil n. (Folklore) A fictional image of a man, usually red or orange in skin color; with a set of horns on his…
ERVILervil n. Bitter vetch, blister vetch (Vicia ervilia).
ERVIL n. a European vetch, also ERS.
KEVILkevil n. (Nautical) A sturdy belaying-pin for the heavier cables of a ship.
KEVIL n. (Scots) a piece of wood used in casting lots, also CAVEL, KEVEL.
PULVILpulvil n. Alternative form of pulvillio.
PULVIL n. perfumed powder, also PULVILIO, PULVILLIO, PULVILLE.
PULVIL v. to scent with pulvil.
WEEVILweevil n. Any of many tens of thousands of species of herbivorous beetles, ranging in size from tiny to large…
weevil n. Any of many tens of thousands of species of herbivorous beetles of various sizes, in the family Curculionidae…
weevil n. Any of many similar, but more distantly related, beetles such as the biscuit weevil (Stegobium paniceum).
BEDEVILbedevil v. To harass or cause trouble for; to plague.
bedevil v. To perplex or bewilder.
BEDEVIL v. to plague, torment.
CHERVILchervil n. (Countable) A leafy herb, Anthriscus cerefolium, resembling parsley.
chervil n. (Uncountable) leaves from the plant, used as an herb in cooking, which have a mild flavor of anise.
CHERVIL n. an aromatic umbelliferous herb.
INCIVILincivil adj. (Rare) Displaying a lack of courtesy; rude, impolite.
incivil adj. (Rare) Uncivilized, barbarous.
INCIVIL adj. discourteous.
UNCIVILuncivil adj. Not civilized.
uncivil adj. Not civil; discourteous; impolite.
UNCIVIL adj. not civil, also INCIVIL.
OUTCAVILOUTCAVIL v. to surpass in caviling.
DAREDEVILdaredevil n. A person who engages in very risky behavior, especially one who is motivated by a craving for excitement or attention.
daredevil adj. Recklessly bold; adventurous.
daredevil v. (Intransitive) To behave in a reckless, adventurous, or physically risky manner.
OVERCIVILovercivil adj. Excessively civil.
OVERCIVIL adj. too civil.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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