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There are 12 words ending with VAR

VARvar n. (Programming) Abbreviation of variable.
var n. (Statistics) Abbreviation of variance.
var n. (Physics) A unit of electrical power, in an AC circuit, equal to the power dissipated when 1 volt produces…
ALVARalvar n. (Geology) A limestone pavement.
ALVAR n. (Swedish) an area of exposed limestone.
INVARinvar n. An alloy of iron containing 35.5% nickel, and having a very low coefficient of expansion.
INVAR n. (tradename) an iron-nickel alloy with very little heat expansion.
NAVARnavar n. A kind of Zoroastrian priest.
Navar prop.n. A surname.
NAVAR n. a system of air navigation.
LEKVARlekvar n. A sweet spread made from apricots or prunes.
LEKVAR n. (Hungarian) a prune butter.
LOUVARlouvar n. Luvarus imperialis, a large ellipsoidal perciform fish related to the surgeonfish.
LOUVAR n. (Italian) a large silvery whalelike scombroid fish.
VALVARvalvar adj. (Anatomy) valvular.
VALVAR adj. pertaining to a valve, also VALVAL.
VULVARvulvar adj. Of or pertaining to the vulva.
VULVAR adj. relating to the vulva, also VULVAL.
BOLIVARbolivar n. Alternative spelling of bolívar.
Bolivar prop.n. A city, the county seat of Polk County, Missouri, United States.
Bolivar prop.n. A village in Ohio.
SAMOVARsamovar n. A metal urn with a spigot, for boiling water for making tea. Traditionally, the water is heated by hot…
SAMOVAR n. (Russian) an urn for making tea.
SEROVARserovar n. A group of microorganisms characterised by a specific set of antigens.
SEROVAR n. a group of microorganisms having a characteristic set of antigens.
CULTIVARcultivar n. A cultivated (not necessarily botanical) variety of a plant species or hybrid of two species.
CULTIVAR n. a variety of plant originating under cultivation, also CULTIGEN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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