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There are 13 six-letter words ending with VET

BREVETbrevet n. A military document entitling a commissioned officer to hold a higher rank temporarily, but without…
brevet n. A warrant from the government, granting a privilege, title, or dignity, as in France.
brevet n. An organized, long-distance bicycle ride — not a race, but a test of endurance — which follows a designated…
CHEVETchevet n. (Architecture) The extreme end of the chancel or choir; properly the round or polygonal part.
CHEVET n. (French) the east end of (especially French Gothic) church or chancel.
CORVETcorvet n. Archaic form of curvet.
corvet n. (Nautical) Archaic form of corvette.
corvet n. Archaic form of curvet.
CURVETcurvet v. (Intransitive) Of a horse or, by extension, another animal: to leap about, to frolic.
curvet v. (Transitive) To cause to leap about, dart or jump.
curvet v. (Of a bird) To fly or swim with darting movements.
GRIVETgrivet n. An Old World monkey, Chlorocebus aethiops, with long white tufts of hair along the sides of the face.
GRIVET n. (French) a long-tailed African monkey.
GROVETgrovet n. (Obsolete) A little grove.
GROVET n. a wrestling hold where the head is gripped and forced to the floor.
OLIVETolivet n. (Historical) An imitation pearl manufactured for trade with native peoples.
Olivet prop.n. A locale in France.
Olivet prop.n. A locale in the United States.
PRIVETprivet n. Any of various shrubs and small trees in the genus Ligustrum.
privet interj. (Informal) hello, hi.
PRIVET n. a half-evergreen European shrub of the olive family.
SWIVETswivet n. A state or condition of haste, flutter; extreme discomposure or distress; irritation, exasperation, annoyance.
SWIVET n. (dialect) a state of extreme agitation.
TREVETtrevet n. A stool or other thing supported by three legs; a trivet.
TREVET n. a small stand with three legs, also TRIVET.
TRIVETtrivet n. A stand with three short legs, especially for cooking over a fire.
trivet n. A stand, sometimes with short, stumpy feet, used to support hot dishes and protect a table; a coaster.
trivet n. A weaver’s knife used to cut out the wire that was used to form a pile.
VELVETvelvet n. A closely woven fabric (originally of silk, now also of cotton or man-made fibres) with a thick short…
velvet n. Very fine fur, including the skin and fur on a deer’s antlers.
velvet n. (Rare, countable) A female chinchilla; a sow.
VERVETvervet n. A small African monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops or Chlorocebus pygerythrus, having a long tail, a black…
VERVET n. (French) a small, long-tailed African monkey.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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