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List of 5-letter words ending with

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There are 7 five-letter words ending with VAL

ARVALarval n. (Scotland and Northern England, now rare) A funeral feast or wake at which bread and ale was served…
arval n. (Rare, chiefly historical) The ale served at such a wake, the drinking of which was a ritually significant…
arval n. (Lancashire) The money given to hunters, at the death of a fox, in order to buy ale.
KAVALkaval n. (Music) A chromatic end-blown flute of Asia and eastern Europe.
KAVAL n. a kind of flute, played esp. in the Balkans.
LAVALLaval prop.n. A placename…
Laval prop.n. A surname from French. originating from France.
LAVAL adj. of or pertaining to lava.
NAVALnaval adj. (Nautical) Of or relating to a navy.
naval adj. (Nautical) Of or relating to ships in general.
Naval prop.n. A surname.
NIVALnival adj. Abounding with snow; snowy; snow-covered (now especially in reference to plant habitats).
nival adj. (Botany) Found or thriving in snowy conditions.
NIVAL adj. pertaining to snow.
ORVALorval n. Salvia viridis, a kind of sage.
ORVAL n. a plant of the sage genus.
RIVALrival n. A competitor (Person, team, company, etc.) with the same goal as another, or striving to attain the…
rival n. Someone or something with similar claims of quality or distinction as another.
rival n. (Obsolete) One having a common right or privilege with another; a partner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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