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There are 15 words ending with ULENCE

CORPULENCEcorpulence n. The state or characteristic of being corpulent.
CORPULENCE n. the state of being corpulent, also CORPULENCY.
CRAPULENCEcrapulence n. Sickness or indisposition caused by excessive eating or drinking.
crapulence n. Intemperance; debauchery; excessive indulgence.
CRAPULENCE n. the sickness occasioned by intemperance; surfeit.
FECULENCEfeculence n. The state or quality of being feculent.
feculence n. Feculent matter; dregs, filth.
FECULENCE n. the state of being feculent, also FECULENCY.
FLATULENCEflatulence n. The state of having gas, often smelly, trapped (and when released, frequently with noise) in the digestive…
flatulence n. The release of such gas; breaking wind.
FLATULENCE n. distension of the stomach or bowels by gases formed during digestion, also FLATULENCY.
FLOCCULENCEflocculence n. The condition of being flocculent; wooliness, flakiness.
FLOCCULENCE n. the state of being flocculent.
FRAUDULENCEfraudulence n. The condition of being fraudulent; deceitfulness.
FRAUDULENCE n. the state of being fraudulent, also FRAUDULENCY.
HYPERVIRULENCEhypervirulence n. An increased virulence.
OPULENCEopulence n. Wealth.
opulence n. Abundance, bounty, profusion.
opulence n. Ostentatious display of wealth and luxury; plushness.
PULVERULENCEpulverulence n. The state or characteristic of being powdery or dusty.
pulverulence n. Fine, dry particles produced by the grinding, crushing, or disintegration of a solid substance.
PULVERULENCE n. the state of being pulverulent, powdery.
PURULENCEpurulence n. The condition of containing or discharging pus.
purulence n. Pus.
PURULENCE n. the state of being purulent, also PURULENCY.
SUCCULENCEsucculence n. The property of being succulent.
SUCCULENCE n. the state of being succulent, also SUCCULENCY.
TEMULENCEtemulence n. Intoxication, drunkenness, temulency.
TEMULENCE n. intoxication, also TEMULENCY.
TRUCULENCEtruculence n. The state of being truculent; eagerness to fight; ferocity.
TRUCULENCE n. the state of being truculent, aggressive and discourteous, also TRUCULENCY.
TURBULENCEturbulence n. (Uncountable) The state or fact of being turbulent or agitated; tempestuousness, disturbance.
turbulence n. (Uncountable) Disturbance in a gas or fluid, characterized by evidence of internal motion or unrest.
turbulence n. (Uncountable, aviation) Specifically, a state of agitation or disturbance in the air which is disruptive…
VIRULENCEvirulence n. The state of being virulent.
virulence n. A measure of how virulent a thing is.
VIRULENCE n. the state of being virulent, also VIRULENCY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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