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There are 13 words ending with URITE

URITEurite n. (Zoology) One of the segments of the abdomen or postabdomen of arthropods.
URITE n. an abdominal segment in insects.
CURITEcurite n. (Mineralogy) An orthorhombic-dipyramidal mineral containing hydrogen, lead, oxygen, and uranium.
CURITE n. a radioactive mineral.
AZURITEazurite n. (Mineralogy) A blue vitreous mineral; a basic copper carbonate, with the chemical formula Cu2+3(CO3
AZURITE n. a blue carbonate of copper, aka blue malachite.
NEURITEneurite n. (Neuroanatomy) Any projection from the body of a neuron; either a dendrite or an axon.
NEURITE n. an axon or dendrite of a nerve cell.
LAZURITElazurite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral of metamorphosed limestones. Lazurite forms the gemstone lapis lazuli, and crushed…
LAZURITE n. a blue cubic mineral, sodium aluminum silicate.
ROBURITEroburite n. An explosive formerly used in mining, made from chlorinated dinitrobenzene oxidized by ammonium nitrate.
ROBURITE n. a flameless explosive.
FAVOURITEfavourite adj. Preferred or liked above all others (unless qualified).
favourite adj. Belonging to a category whose members are all preferred or liked over nonmembers.
favourite n. A person or thing who enjoys special regard or favour.
FULGURITEfulgurite n. Glass formed by a lightning strike melting sand or other material.
FULGURITE n. a vitrified sand tube produced by the striking of lightning on sand.
HIPPURITEhippurite n. (Paleontology) A fossil bivalve mollusk of the genus Hippuritida, having a conical, cup-shaped undervalve…
HIPPURITE n. a Cretaceous fossil lamellibranch with one conical valve and one flat one.
LABOURITELabourite n. (UK politics) a member or supporter of the British Labour Party, the left wing party of Great Britain.
Labourite n. Misspelling of Laborite. (Australian political party member, Labor Party)
LABOURITE n. a member or supporter of the Labour party, also LABORITE, LABOURIST.
TELLURITEtellurite n. (Mineralogy) A yellowish mineral, tellurium dioxide (TeO2).
tellurite n. (Inorganic chemistry) The oxyanion TeO32- derived from tellurous acid; any salt containing this anion.
TELLURITE n. a salt of tellurous acid.
SAUSSURITEsaussurite n. (Mineralogy) A tough, compact mineral aggregate, of a white, greenish, or greyish colour. It is an aggregate…
SAUSSURITE n. a dull opaque mass of zoisite, albite, etc., formed by the alteration of feldspar.
UNFAVOURITEunfavourite v. Alternative form of unfavorite.
UNFAVOURITE adj. not favourite or favoured.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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