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List of 9-letter words ending with

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There are 17 nine-letter words ending with ULOUS

ACIDULOUSacidulous adj. Slightly sour; sub-acid; sourish.
acidulous adj. (Figurative) Sharp; caustic.
acidulous adj. Containing carbonic acid.
CALCULOUScalculous adj. (Pathology) Of, pertaining to or containing calculi.
CALCULOUS adj. of or pertaining to calculi, stonelike concretions that form in certain vessels of the body, also CALCULARY, CALCULOSE.
CELLULOUSCELLULOUS adj. of or like cellulose.
CRAPULOUScrapulous adj. Characterized by excessive eating or drinking.
crapulous adj. Suffering physically from the consequences of excessive eating or drinking.
crapulous adj. Surcharged with liquor; sick from excessive indulgence in drinking or eating.
CREDULOUScredulous adj. Excessively ready to believe things; gullible.
credulous adj. Believed too readily.
CREDULOUS adj. gullible.
DENTULOUSdentulous adj. (Usually medicine or zoology) Having natural teeth.
DENTULOUS adj. having teeth.
FISTULOUSfistulous adj. Of or pertaining to a fistula.
fistulous adj. Resembling a reed; hollow and tubular.
FISTULOUS adj. hollow and cylindrical, like a pipe or reed, also FISTULAR, FISTULATE, FISTULOSE.
GARRULOUSgarrulous adj. Excessively or tiresomely talkative.
garrulous adj. (Of something written or performed) Excessively wordy and rambling.
GARRULOUS adj. talkative.
GLOBULOUSglobulous adj. Globular; spherical.
GLOBULOUS adj. globular, spherical.
GRANULOUSgranulous adj. Granular.
GRANULOUS adj. consisting of or like grains or granules, also GRANULOSE.
MUSCULOUSmusculous adj. (Now rare, relational) Made up of muscle or muscle tissue; muscular.
musculous adj. (Now rare) Characterised by well-developed muscles; muscular, muscly.
musculous adj. (Obsolete, relational) Pertaining to muscle; involving the use of muscles; muscular.
ORACULOUSoraculous adj. (Now rare) Oracular.
ORACULOUS adj. of the nature of an oracle, also ORACULAR.
PENDULOUSpendulous adj. Hanging from, or as if from, a support.
pendulous adj. Indecisive or hesitant.
pendulous adj. (Biology) having branches etc. that bend downwards; drooping or weeping.
PUSTULOUSpustulous adj. Bearing pustules.
pustulous adj. Resembling a pustule.
PUSTULOUS adj. of or pertaining to pustules, also PUSTULAR.
QUERULOUSquerulous adj. Often complaining; suggesting a complaint in expression; fretful, whining.
QUERULOUS adj. complaining; peevish.
SPINULOUSspinulous adj. Covered with small spines.
SPINULOUS adj. covered with small spines, also SPINULOSE.
TREMULOUStremulous adj. Trembling, quivering, or shaking.
tremulous adj. Timid, hesitant; lacking confidence.
TREMULOUS adj. trembling; quivering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 30 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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