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There are 15 words ending with UPER

DUPERduper n. A person who dupes another.
DUPER n. one who dupes another.
SUPERsuper adj. Of excellent quality, superfine.
super adj. Better than average, better than usual; wonderful.
super adv. (Informal) Very; extremely (used like the prefix super-).
COUPERCOUPER n. (Scots) a dealer.
GAUPERGAUPER n. one that gaups, also GAWPER.
PAUPERpauper n. One who is extremely poor.
pauper n. One living on or eligible for public charity.
pauper v. (Transitive) To make a pauper of; to drive into poverty.
SOUPERsouper n. (Ireland, historical) Someone who, during the Irish famine, supplied food such as soup to Catholics…
souper n. (Ireland, historical) A (former) Catholic who converted to Protestantism in order to gain such food.
SOUPER n. in Ireland, a person who dispenses soup as a means of proselytising; one who has been converted in this way.
YAUPERyauper n. Alternative form of yawper.
YAUPER n. one who yaups, yelps or barks, also YAWPER.
CROUPERcrouper n. Obsolete form of crupper.
CROUPER n. a strap buckled to the back of a saddle and looped under the horse's tail, to prevent the saddle from slipping forward, also CRUPPER.
GROUPERgrouper n. Any of various large food and game fishes of the subfamily Epinephelinae, especially the genera Epinephelus…
grouper n. One who groups things.
grouper n. (Dated) groupie.
SCAUPERscauper n. A tool with a semicircular edge, used by engravers to clear away the spaces between the lines of an engraving.
SCAUPER n. a semicircular gouging chisel, also SCALPER, SCORPER.
TROUPERtrouper n. A member of a theatrical company (a troupe).
trouper n. A veteran performer.
trouper n. A reliable, hard-working and unselfish performer; one who considers the troupe before themselves.
LARRUPERlarruper n. One who larrups.
LARRUPER n. one who larrups.
CHIRRUPERchirruper n. One who chirrups.
CHIRRUPER n. one who chirrups.
DISPAUPERdispauper v. (Transitive) To deprive of the claim of a pauper to public support; to deprive of the privilege of suing…
DISPAUPER v. to deprive of the claim of a pauper to public support.
PEASOUPERpeasouper n. Alternative form of pea-souper.
pea-souper n. (Britain, Canada, informal) A dense, yellowish fog, often mixed with smoke; a pea-soup fog, a smog.
pea-souper n. (Canada, slang, derogatory) A French-Canadian person, especially a Francophone from the province of Québec.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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