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There are 15 words ending with UMER

FUMERfumer n. One who makes or uses perfumes.
fumer n. That which fumes, something that produces or emits smoke or other vapor.
FUMER n. one that fumes.
STUMERstumer n. (Britain) Something worthless or counterfeit.
stumer n. (UK, slang) A racehorse that is sure to lose.
STUMER n. (slang) a counterfeit coin or note.
ASSUMERassumer n. One who assumes.
ASSUMER n. one who assumes or arrogates.
CHAUMERCHAUMER n. (Scots) a room or building in which male farmworkers sleep.
EXHUMERexhumer n. One who exhumes.
EXHUMER n. someone who exhumes.
INHUMERinhumer n. One who inhumes.
INHUMER n. one who inhumes.
RESUMERresumer n. One who resumes, or takes up an activity again.
RESUMER n. one who resumes.
CONSUMERconsumer n. One who, or that which, consumes.
consumer n. (Economics) Someone who trades money for goods or services as an individual.
consumer n. (By extension) The consumer base of a product, service or business.
COSTUMERcostumer n. A person who designs, makes or supplies theatrical costumes; a costumier.
costumer n. A person who wears a costume or takes part in cosplay.
costumer n. (Informal) A costume drama.
PERFUMERperfumer n. A person who makes or sells perfume.
perfumer n. One who perfumes something.
PERFUMER n. one who prepares perfumes, also PERFUMIER.
PRESUMERpresumer n. One who presumes, especially in an arrogant way.
PRESUMER n. one who presumes.
PROSUMERprosumer n. (Buzzword) A person in postindustrial society who combines the economic roles of producer and consumer.
prosumer adj. (Marketing, of a consumer product) Targeted at serious, enthusiastic consumers, incorporating professional…
prosumer adj. (Marketing, of a consumer product) high-end.
NONCONSUMERnonconsumer n. One who is not a consumer.
NONCONSUMER n. one who is not a consumer.
ANTICONSUMERanticonsumer adj. Opposing the consumer.
anticonsumer n. A person of anticonsumerist beliefs.
anti-consumer adj. Opposing the consumer.
POSTCONSUMERpostconsumer adj. After use by a consumer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 48 words
  • Scrabble in French: 39 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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