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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 8 six-letter words ending with UNGE

BLUNGEblunge v. (Pottery) To mix clay and water.
BLUNGE v. to mix clay with water.
EMUNGEemunge v. (Transitive, obsolete) To wipe or cleanse, especially one’s nose.
EMUNGE v. (obsolete) to clean.
GRUNGEgrunge n. (Informal) Dirt or filth, especially when difficult to clean.
grunge n. (Informal) The state of being filthy; grubbiness.
grunge n. (Music) A subgenre of alternative rock, originating from Seattle, Washington, which melds punk and metal.
LOUNGElounge v. To relax; to spend time lazily; to stand, sit, or recline, in an indolent manner.
lounge n. (Now rare) A place where one can lounge; an area, establishment, house etc. where loungers gather and…
lounge n. The act of someone who lounges; idle reclining.
PLUNGEplunge v. (Transitive) To thrust into liquid, or into any penetrable substance; to immerse.
plunge v. (Figuratively, transitive) To cast, stab or throw into some thing, state, condition or action.
plunge v. (Transitive, obsolete) To baptize by immersion.
RAUNGEraunge v. Obsolete form of range.
raunge n. Obsolete form of range.
RAUNGE v. (obsolete) to range.
SCUNGEscunge n. (Uncountable, slang) Muck, scum, dirt, dirtiness; also used attributively.
scunge n. (Countable, slang) A scrounger; one who habitually borrows.
scunge n. (Countable, slang) A dirty or untidy person; one who takes no pride in their appearance.
SPUNGEspunge n. Obsolete form of sponge.
spunge v. Obsolete form of sponge.
SPUNGE n. (obsolete) a sponge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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