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There are 12 words ending with URF

CURFcurf n. A limestone containing cherts.
CURF n. an incision made by a cutting tool, also KERF.
SURFsurf n. Waves that break on an ocean shoreline.
surf n. An instance or session of riding a surfboard in the surf.
surf n. A dance popular in the 1960s in which the movements of a surfboard rider are mimicked.
TURFturf n. (Uncountable) A layer of earth covered with grass; sod.
turf n. (Countable) A piece of such a layer cut from the soil. May be used as sod to make a lawn, dried for…
turf n. (Countable) A block of peat used as fuel.
ZURFzurf n. Alternative form of zarf.
ZURF n. (Arabic) an ornamental metal holder for a handleless coffee cup, also ZARF.
SCURFscurf n. A skin disease.
scurf n. The flakes of skin that fall off as a result of a skin disease.
scurf n. Any crust-like formations on the skin, or in general.
RETURFreturf v. To lay turf again.
RETURF v. to lay new turf.
UNTURFunturf v. (Transitive) To strip the turf from.
UNTURF v. to strip of turf.
EGOSURFegosurf v. To search the Internet for references to one’s name or works in order to gratify one’s ego.
ego-surf v. Alternative spelling of egosurf.
EGOSURF v. to search for one's own name on the internet.
NETSURFnetsurf v. To surf the Internet.
NETSURF v. to browse the internet for information.
SKYSURFskysurf v. To practice the sport of skysurfing.
SKYSURF v. to perform maneuvers during free fall while riding on a skyboard.
BODYSURFbodysurf v. To ride waves or surf without equipment, such as a surfboard.
bodysurf v. To ride waves either without equipment or with a handboard.
body-surf v. To ride waves or surf without a surfboard or other equipment.
WINDSURFwindsurf v. To ride a surfboard that has an attached sail.
windsurf n. An act of windsurfing.
WINDSURF v. to sail on a sailboard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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