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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 17 six-letter words ending with ULI

ANNULIannuli n. Plural of annulus.
ANNULUS n. (Latin) a ring or ringlike part.
ARGULIARGULUS n. (Latin) a fish louse.
CUMULIcumuli n. Plural of cumulus.
CUMULUS n. (Latin) a kind of cloud.
FAMULIfamuli n. Plural of famulus.
FAMULUS n. (Latin) an assistant, esp. to a magician or a scholar.
FUMULIfumuli n. Plural of fumulus.
FUMULUS n. (Latin) a thin cloud.
HAMULIhamuli n. Plural of hamulus.
HAMULUS n. (Latin) a small hook.
LAZULIlazuli n. Ellipsis of lapis lazuli.
LAZULI n. a beautiful blue stone usually called lapis lazuli.
LIMULILIMULUS n. (Latin) a horseshoe crab, also LIMULOID.
LOBULIlobuli n. Plural of lobulus.
LOBULUS n. (Latin) a small lobe or lobe-like structure, also LOBULE.
LOCULIloculi n. Plural of loculus.
LOCULUS n. (Latin) a small, cell-like chamber, also LOCULE.
MODULImoduli n. Plural of modulus.
MODULUS n. (Latin) a constant multiplier.
RAMULIramuli n. Plural of ramulus.
RAMULUS n. (Latin) a little branch.
REGULIreguli n. Plural of regulus.
REGULUS n. (Latin) a mass that forms beneath the slag in a furnace.
TABULItabuli n. Alternative spelling of tabbouleh.
TABULI n. (Arabic) a kind of Lebanese salad, also TABBOULEH, TABBOULI, TABOOLEY, TABOULEH, TABOULI.
TITULItituli n. Plural of titulus.
TITULUS n. a sign on a cross giving a crucified person's name and crime.
TORULItoruli n. Plural of torulus.
TORULUS n. (Latin) the socket of an insect's antenna.
TUMULItumuli n. Plural of tumulus.
TUMULUS n. (Latin) a mound over a grave.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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