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There are 18 words ending with TOMETRY

CYTOMETRYcytometry n. (Biology) The measurement or the counting and classification of cells.
CYTOMETRY n. the counting of cells.
OPTOMETRYoptometry n. The art and science of vision and eye care.
OPTOMETRY n. the science of vision and eye-care.
PHOTOMETRYphotometry n. (Physics) The measurement of various aspects of light, especially its intensity.
photometry n. (Astronomy) The measurement of the intensity and spectrum of light from stars.
PHOTOMETRY n. that branch of science which treats of the measurement of the intensity of light.
DILATOMETRYdilatometry n. (Physics) The measurement of changes in volume that accompany some other physical phenomenon.
DILATOMETRY n. measurement by dilatometer.
DIOPTOMETRYDIOPTOMETRY n. the measurement of ocular refraction.
PLASTOMETRYPLASTOMETRY n. measurement by plastometer.
DENSITOMETRYdensitometry n. The measurement of optical density by use of a densitometer.
densitometry n. The measurement of body density.
DENSITOMETRY n. measurement by densitometer.
GALACTOMETRYGALACTOMETRY n. the measurement of the relative density of milk.
MAGNETOMETRYmagnetometry n. (Physics) The measurement of magnetic fields (strength and direction etc).
MAGNETOMETRY n. measurement by magnetometer.
OLFACTOMETRYolfactometry n. The study and measurement of smells.
OLFACTOMETRY n. the measurement of the sharpness of the sense of smell.
SENSITOMETRYsensitometry n. The scientific study of light-sensitive materials, especially photographic film.
SENSITOMETRY n. measurement by sensitometer, an instrument for measuring the sensitivity of photographic material.
PNEUMATOMETRYpneumatometry n. Spirometry.
PNEUMATOMETRY n. the measurement of the pressure exerted by air being inhaled or exhaled during a single breath.
REFLECTOMETRYreflectometry n. (Physics) The science of the design and use of reflectometers.
REFLECTOMETRY n. measurement by reflectometer.
REFRACTOMETRYrefractometry n. (Physics) the measurement of refractive index.
REFRACTOMETRY n. measurement by refractometer.
CYTOPHOTOMETRYcytophotometry n. (Biology) The analysis of the chemical composition of cells using a cytophotometer.
CYTOPHOTOMETRY n. photometry applied to the study of the cell or its constituents.
DIFFRACTOMETRYdiffractometry n. The elucidation of the structures of crystalline materials by the use of X-ray diffraction.
DIFFRACTOMETRY n. measurement by diffractometer.
PYROPHOTOMETRYPYROPHOTOMETRY n. the measurement of the temperature of an incandescent body by photometric measurement of the light it emits.
MICROPHOTOMETRYmicrophotometry n. Measurement performed with a microphotometer.
MICROPHOTOMETRY n. measurement by microphotometer, an instrument for measuring the amount of light transmitted or reflected by small areas or for measuring the relative densities of spectral lines on a photographic film or plate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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