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There are 17 words ending with TIATION

DIFFERENTIATIONdifferentiation n. The act or process of differentiating (generally, without a specialized sense).
differentiation n. (Biology) The process by which the components of multicellular life (Cells, organs, etc.) are produced…
differentiation n. (Biology, evolution) The evolutionary process by which one taxonomic group (Species, genus, variety…
EXPATIATIONexpatiation n. An act of expatiating.
EXPATIATION n. the act of expatiating.
EXPONENTIATIONexponentiation n. (Mathematics, arithmetic) The process of calculating a power by multiplying together a number of equal…
exponentiation n. (Mathematics, arithmetic, countable) A mathematical problem involving exponentiation.
EXPONENTIATION n. the mathematical operation of raising a quantity to a power.
INGRATIATIONingratiation n. The state of being ingratiating.
INGRATIATION n. the act of ingratiating.
INITIATIONinitiation n. The act of initiating, or the process of being initiated or introduced.
initiation n. The form or ceremony by which a person is introduced into any society; mode of entrance into an organized…
initiation n. (Chemistry) The first step of transcription or of transduction.
INSTANTIATIONinstantiation n. (Uncountable) The production of an instance, example, or specific application of a general classification…
instantiation n. (Countable) Something resulting from the act of instantiating; an instance.
instantiation n. (By extension, object-oriented programming) Creation of an instance of some class or template.
LICENTIATIONLICENTIATION n. the state of being a licentiate.
NEGOTIATIONnegotiation n. The process of achieving agreement through discussion.
NEGOTIATION n. the act of negotiating.
POTENTIATIONpotentiation n. The action of a substance, at a dose that does not itself have an adverse action, in enhancing the effect…
POTENTIATION n. the act of potentiating.
PRENEGOTIATIONprenegotiation n. Discussion prior to formal negotiations.
PRENEGOTIATION n. negotiation in advance.
PROPITIATIONpropitiation n. The act of propitiating; placation, atonement, similar to expiation but with the added concept of appeasement…
propitiation n. (Theology) The death of Christ as a basis for the forgiveness of sin.
PROPITIATION n. the act of propitiating.
REINITIATIONreinitiation n. A second or subsequent initiation.
RENEGOTIATIONrenegotiation n. The act of negotiating again.
RENEGOTIATION n. the act of renegotiating.
SATIATIONsatiation n. The state of being satiated or sated, of being full, of being at maximum capacity.
SATIATION n. the state of being satiated, also SATIETY.
SUBSTANTIATIONsubstantiation n. The act of substantiating.
substantiation n. Something which substantiates; evidence, proof.
SUBSTANTIATION n. the act of substantiating.
TRITIATIONtritiation n. (Chemistry) The process, or the result of tritiating.
TRITIATION n. the act of tritiating.
VITIATIONvitiation n. A reduction in the value, or an impairment in the quality of something.
vitiation n. Moral corruption.
vitiation n. An abolition or abrogation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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