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There are 19 words ending with TERNAL

TERNALternal adj. Threefold.
TERNAL adj. threefold.
ETERNALeternal adj. Lasting forever; unending.
eternal adj. (Philosophy) existing outside time; as opposed to sempiternal, existing within time but everlastingly.
eternal adj. (Hyperbolic) Constant; perpetual; ceaseless; ever-present.
STERNALsternal adj. (Anatomy) Of, relating to, or near the sternum.
STERNAL adj. pertaining to the sternum.
ASTERNALasternal adj. (Anatomy) Not sternal; said of ribs that do not join the sternum.
ASTERNAL adj. not sternal, said of ribs which do not join the sternum.
EXTERNALexternal adj. Outside of something; on the exterior.
external adj. Capable of being perceived outwardly.
external adj. Provided by something or someone outside of the entity (Object, group, company etc.) considered.
INTERNALinternal adj. Of or situated on the inside.
internal adj. Experienced in one’s mind; inner rather than expressed.
internal adj. Of the inner nature of a thing.
MATERNALmaternal adj. Of or pertaining to a mother; having the characteristics of a mother; motherly.
maternal adj. Related through the mother, or her side of the family.
maternal adj. (Anatomy, medicine) Derived from the mother as opposed to the foetus during pregnancy.
PATERNALpaternal adj. Of or pertaining to one’s father, his genes, his relatives, or his side of a family.
paternal adj. Fatherly; behaving as or characteristic of a father.
paternal adj. Received or inherited from one’s father.
CISTERNALcisternal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to cisterns or cisternae.
CISTERNAL adj. relating to a cisterna, a sac or space containing e.g. cerebrospinal fluid.
COETERNALcoeternal adj. Jointly or equally eternal.
COETERNAL adj. equally eternal, jointly eternal.
EVITERNALeviternal adj. (Obsolete) eternal; everlasting.
EVITERNAL adj. eternal.
FRATERNALfraternal adj. Of or pertaining to a brother or brothers.
fraternal adj. Of or pertaining to a fraternity.
fraternal adj. Platonic or friendly.
HESTERNALhesternal adj. (Archaic or literary, rare outside grammar) Of or pertaining to yesterday.
HESTERNAL adj. of or relating to yesterday.
BIMATERNALbimaternal adj. Having two mothers.
BIMATERNAL adj. having the genetic material of two mothers but no father.
EPISTERNALepisternal adj. Of or pertaining to the episternum.
EPISTERNAL adj. of or pertaining to the episternum, a median bone connected with the sternum.
SUBSTERNALsubsternal adj. (Anatomy) under the sternum.
SUBSTERNAL adj. positioned below the breastbone.
UNMATERNALunmaternal adj. Not maternal; not befitting a mother.
UNMATERNAL adj. not maternal.
SEMPITERNALsempiternal adj. Everlasting, eternal.
sempiternal adj. (Philosophy) Everlasting, that is, having infinite temporal duration (as opposed to eternal: outside…
SEMPITERNAL adj. of never-ending duration, eternal.
CONFRATERNALconfraternal adj. Of or pertaining to a confraternity.
CONFRATERNAL adj. like a confraternity, a society devoted esp. to a religious or charitable cause.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 108 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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