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List of 15-letter words ending with

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words ending with TATION

COMPLEMENTATIONcomplementation n. (Mathematics) The replacement of a set by its complement.
complementation n. (Genetics) The interaction between two genetic units such that an organism can function normally if…
complementation n. (Grammar) The relationship of a phrase to its predicate.
DEFRAGMENTATIONdefragmentation n. (Computing) The action of defragmenting, particularly with respect to a computer disk or drive.
DISHABILITATIONdishabilitation n. Disqualification.
DISHABILITATION n. disqualification.
EXPERIMENTATIONexperimentation n. The act of experimenting; practice by experiment.
experimentation n. (Sciences) A set of actions and observations, performed to verify or falsify a hypothesis or to research…
EXPERIMENTATION n. the act of experimenting.
INSTRUMENTATIONinstrumentation n. The act of using or adapting as an instrument; a series or combination of instruments.
instrumentation n. The arrangement of a musical composition for performance by a number of different instruments; instrumental…
instrumentation n. The act or manner of playing upon musical instruments; performance.
INTERDIGITATIONinterdigitation n. An interlinking that resembles the fingers of two hands being locked together.
INTERDIGITATION n. the act of interdigitating, interlocking the fingers.
INTERVISITATIONintervisitation n. The paying of mutual visits; the act of visiting each other.
INTERVISITATION n. between visits.
MALPRESENTATIONmalpresentation n. An abnormal positioning of a fetus at the time of delivery.
MALPRESENTATION n. abnormal positioning of a fetus in childbirth.
NONEXPLOITATIONnonexploitation n. Absence of exploitation.
NONEXPLOITATION adj. not exploitation.
OVEREXPECTATIONoverexpectation n. An excessively high expectation.
OVEREXPECTATION n. excessive expectation.
PHOTOEXCITATIONphotoexcitation n. (Chemistry) The formation of an excited state by the absorption of a photon.
PHOTOEXCITATION n. the process of exciting the atoms or molecules of a substance by the absorption of radiant energy.
PREIMPLANTATIONpreimplantation adj. (Medicine) Prior to implantation.
PREIMPLANTATION adj. of, involving, or being an embryo before uterine implantation.
REACCREDITATIONreaccreditation n. Accreditation again.
REACCREDITATION n. the act of reaccrediting.
REAFFORESTATIONreafforestation n. Reforestation.
REAFFORESTATION n. the act of reafforesting.
SUPEREXALTATIONsuperexaltation n. Elevation above the common degree.
superexaltation n. Supreme or excessive exaltation.
SUPEREXALTATION n. a state of very high exaltation.
SUPPLEMENTATIONsupplementation n. The act of supplementing.
supplementation n. Something added as a supplement.
SUPPLEMENTATION n. the act of supplementing.
TEENSPLOITATIONteensploitation n. (Film) A genre of exploitation films, starring teenage actors with teen-oriented plots involving drugs…
TRANSPLANTATIONtransplantation n. The resettlement of a group of people.
transplantation n. A surgical operation in which an organ is moved from a donor to a recipient; an organ transplant.
transplantation n. The uprooting of a tree and planting it in a new location.
UNPREMEDITATIONunpremeditation n. Lack of premeditation; spontaneity.
UNPREMEDITATION n. a lack of premeditation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 138 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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