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List of 10-letter words ending with

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There are 20 ten-letter words ending with TORIAL

AUDITORIALauditorial adj. Auditory.
AUDITORIAL adj. relating to an auditor.
CURATORIALcuratorial adj. Of or relating to a curator.
CURATORIAL adj. relating to a curator.
ELECTORIALelectorial adj. Electoral.
ELECTORIAL adj. relating to elections or electors, also ELECTORAL.
EQUATORIALequatorial adj. Of, near, or relating to the equator.
equatorial adj. (Organic chemistry) perpendicular to the plane of a ring.
equatorial n. (Astronomy) A kind of telescope mounted so as to have two axes of motion at right angles to each other…
HAUSTORIALhaustorial adj. Relating to a haustorium.
HAUSTORIAL adj. having a haustorium, a sucker-like rootlet.
JANITORIALjanitorial adj. Of or pertaining to a janitor.
JANITORIAL adj. relating to a janitor.
LAVATORIALlavatorial adj. Of or pertaining to a lavatory.
lavatorial adj. Scatological.
LAVATORIAL adj. relating to a lavatory.
LEGATORIALLEGATORIAL adj. like a legator.
MINATORIALminatorial adj. Threatening; minatory.
MINATORIAL adj. menacing, also MINATORY.
MONITORIALmonitorial adj. Of, or relating to monitors.
monitorial adj. Of, or relating to an admonition; monitory.
monitorial adj. (Freemasonry) Not secret and therefore printed in the Monitor.
NATATORIALnatatorial adj. Of, pertaining to, or adapted for swimming.
NATATORIAL adj. relating to swimming; adapted for swimming, also NATATIONAL, NATATORY.
PRAETORIALpraetorial adj. Synonym of praetorian.
PRAETORIAL adj. relating to a praetor, a magistrate of ancient Rome, also PRETORIAL.
PROCTORIALproctorial adj. Of or pertaining to a proctor or to the office of proctorship.
PROCTORIAL adj. of or pertaining to a proctor, esp. an academic proctor.
QUESTORIALquestorial adj. Alternative form of quaestorial.
QUESTORIAL adj. relating to a questor, also QUAESTORIAL.
SENATORIALsenatorial adj. Relating to a senator.
senatorial adj. Relating to a senate.
senatorial adj. (US) Entitled to elect a senator, or by senators.
TINCTORIALtinctorial adj. Of or relating to tincture (dye or colour).
TINCTORIAL adj. of or relating to dyeing.
VENATORIALvenatorial adj. Of, pertaining to or involved in hunting or the chase.
VENATORIAL adj. or or pertaining to hunting.
VISITORIALvisitorial adj. Of, pertaining to, or having the power to make an official visitation.
VISITORIAL adj. of or like a visitor.
WIKITORIALwikitorial n. (Internet) An editorial that can be edited by users in the manner of a wiki.
WIKITORIAL n. a traditional editorial that can be edited in the fashion of a wiki.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 30 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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