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There are 10 words ending with TONAL

TONALtonal adj. Of or relating to tones or tonality.
tonal adj. Of or relating to the general character, mood, or trend of something.
tonal adj. (Music) Employing tones that have a predictable relationship to some tonic.
ATONALatonal adj. (Music) Lacking a tonal center or key.
atonal adj. (Linguistics) Not tonal, lacking tones.
ATONAL adj. not referring to any scale or tonic.
BITONALbitonal adj. (Music, of a musical instrument) That has two tonic centres simultaneously.
bitonal adj. (Music) Of or pertaining to bitonality.
bitonal adj. Of two tones, or shades of colour.
CANTONALcantonal adj. Of, pertaining to, or divided into cantons.
CANTONAL adj. pertaining to a canton.
ECOTONALecotonal adj. Relating to ecotones.
ECOTONAL adj. relating to an ecotone, a zone of mixed vegetation formed by the overlapping of adjoining communities.
NONTONALnontonal adj. Not tonal.
nontonal adj. (Music) Concerning atonal music with patterns and repetitions; Mildly atonal.
nontonal adj. (Linguistics) Related to the non-tonal languages.
BARITONALbaritonal adj. Pertaining to or having the character of a baritone.
BARITONAL adj. of or like a baritone.
POLYTONALpolytonal adj. (Music) That uses two or more tonalities simultaneously.
POLYTONAL adj. of music, having many keys.
SEMITONALsemitonal adj. Relating to semitones.
SEMITONAL adj. of or pertaining to a semitone, also SEMITONIC.
MICROTONALmicrotonal adj. (Music) Of, relating to, or written using microtones.
MICROTONAL adj. of or like a microtone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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