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There are 18 words ending with TIVAL

DATIVALdatival adj. (Grammar) dative.
DATIVAL adj. pertaining to the dative case.
ESTIVALestival adj. Of or relating to summer.
estival adj. Coming forth in the summer.
ESTIVAL adj. of or relating to summer, also AESTIVAL.
AESTIVALaestival adj. Alternative spelling of estival.
æstival adj. Obsolete spelling of estival.
AESTIVAL adj. of summer.
FESTIVALfestival adj. Pertaining to a feast or feast day; festive. (Now only as the noun used attributively.)
festival n. (Biblical) A feast or feast day.
festival n. An event or series of special events centred on the celebration or promotion of some theme or aspect…
ABLATIVALablatival adj. (Grammar) Of or pertaining to the ablative case.
ABLATIVAL adj. relating to the ablative case.
AGENTIVALAGENTIVAL adj. of the performer of an action.
GENITIVALgenitival adj. (Grammar) Having genitive form; pertaining to, or derived from, the genitive case.
genitival n. (Grammar) A genitive.
GENITIVAL adj. relating to the genitive case.
RELATIVALrelatival adj. (Grammar) relative.
RELATIVAL adj. concerning relation, esp. grammatical relation.
ADJECTIVALadjectival adj. (Grammar) Of or relating to or functioning as an adjective.
adjectival adj. (Law) Of or relating to procedure, especially to technicalities thereof.
adjectival n. An adjectival phrase or clause.
OBJECTIVALobjectival adj. (Grammar) Of or pertaining to the object of a sentence.
OBJECTIVAL adj. relating to an objective.
ACCUSATIVALaccusatival adj. Of or pertaining to the accusative case.
ACCUSATIVAL adj. relating to the accusative case.
DIMINUTIVALdiminutival adj. Indicating diminution; diminutive.
DIMINUTIVAL adj. relating to or like a diminutive.
IMPERATIVALimperatival adj. (Grammar) Of or pertaining to the imperative mood.
IMPERATIVAL adj. relating to the imperative.
INFINITIVALinfinitival adj. Of, pertaining to, or formed from an infinitive.
infinitival adj. Having a function or usage similar to an infinitive.
INFINITIVAL adj. relating to the infinitive mood.
NOMINATIVALnominatival adj. (Grammar) Of or pertaining to the nominative case; nominative.
NOMINATIVAL adj. relating to the nominative.
CONJUNCTIVALconjunctival adj. (Relational) Of or relating to the conjunctiva.
conjunctival adj. Serving to join or connect.
CONJUNCTIVAL adj. relating to the conjunctiva, the membrane lining the eyelid and joining it with the eyeball.
PERSPECTIVALperspectival adj. Of or pertaining to perspective.
PERSPECTIVAL adj. relating to perspective.
SUBSTANTIVALsubstantival adj. (Grammar) Of or pertaining to a substantive.
substantival adj. Of or relating to physical substance; material.
SUBSTANTIVAL adj. of, relating to, or serving as a substantive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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