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There are 20 words ending with TIERS

TIERStiers n. Plural of tier.
tiers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tier.
TIER v. to arrange in rows.
METIERSmetiers n. Plural of metier.
métiers n. Plural of métier.
METIER n. (French) one's occupation or department of activity; a field in which one has special skill or ability.
PITIERSpitiers n. Plural of pitier.
PITIER n. one who pities.
BUSTIERSbustiers n. Plural of bustier.
BUSTIER n. (French) a kind of strapless brassiere.
COTTIERScottiers n. Plural of cottier.
Cottiers prop.n. Plural of Cottier.
COTTIER n. an Irish tenant holding land as the highest bidder, also COTTAR, COTTER.
EMPTIERSemptiers n. Plural of emptier.
EMPTIER n. one who empties.
FLYTIERSFLYTIER n. a maker of fishing flies.
PARTIERSpartiers n. Plural of partier.
PARTIER n. one who parties, also PARTYER.
PUTTIERSputtiers n. Plural of puttier.
PUTTIER n. one who putties; a glazier.
RENTIERSrentiers n. Plural of rentier.
RENTIER n. (French) a person who has, or who lives on, an income from rents or investments.
SALTIERSsaltiers n. Plural of saltier.
SALTIER n. an X-shaped cross, a St Andrew's Cross, also SALTIRE.
BENITIERSbenitiers n. Plural of benitier.
BENITIER n. (French) a holy-water font.
COURTIERScourtiers n. Plural of courtier.
COURTIER n. someone in attendance at a court or palace.
FRONTIERSfrontiers n. Plural of frontier.
FRONTIER v. (Spenser) to border.
QUARTIERSquartiers n. Plural of quartier.
QUARTIER n. (French) a specified district in a French town or city.
SABOTIERSsabotiers n. Plural of sabotier.
SABOTIER n. (French) a wearer of wooden shoes.
COMPOTIERScompotiers n. Plural of compotier.
COMPOTIER n. (French) a dish, usually with a stemmed base, for serving dessert.
CORSETIERScorsetiers n. Plural of corsetier.
CORSETIER n. (French) a (male) corset maker.
CATAPULTIERScatapultiers n. Plural of catapultier.
CATAPULTIER n. one who uses a catapult.
CHOCOLATIERSchocolatiers n. Plural of chocolatier.
CHOCOLATIER n. one who sells chocolate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 191 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 36 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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