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There are 10 words ending with THENE

ETHENEethene n. (Organic chemistry, IUPAC name) The organic chemical compound ethylene. The simplest alkene, a colorless…
ethene n. (Organic chemistry) Any alkene derived from ethylene.
ETHENE n. a flammable gas, also ETHYLENE.
DISTHENEdisthene n. (Mineralogy) Kyanite.
DISTHENE n. a mineral, aka cyanite or kyanite, so called in allusion to its unequal hardness in two different directions.
MENTHENEmenthene n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a number of isomeric cyclic monoterpene hydrocarbons having a single double bond.
MENTHENE n. a colorless liquid hydrocarbon resembling oil of turpentine, obtained by dehydrating menthol.
XANTHENExanthene n. (Organic chemistry) any of a group of tricyclic heterocycles (dibenzopyrans) that are the basis for…
XANTHENE n. a white crystalline compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, from which dyestuffs are derived.
NAPHTHENEnaphthene n. (Organic chemistry) Any cycloalkane (or alkyl derivative).
NAPHTHENE n. a peculiar hydrocarbon occurring as an ingredient of Caucasian petroleum.
POLYTHENEpolythene n. (Organic chemistry, chiefly Britain) A light thermoplastic used in packaging etc.; polyethylene.
POLYTHENE n. a generic name for certain thermoplastics, polymers of ethylene, also POLYETHYLENE.
POLYETHENEpolyethene n. (Organic chemistry, official IUPAC name) polyethylene.
POLYETHENE n. the systematic name for polythene.
HYPERSTHENEhypersthene n. (Mineralogy) An inosilicate that is an orthorhombic pyroxene.
HYPERSTHENE n. a rock-forming orthorhombic silicate of magnesium and ferrous iron.
CHLOROETHENEchloroethene n. (Organic chemistry) vinyl chloride, or any other chlorinated derivative of ethene.
CHLOROETHENE n. ethyl chloride.
PERCHLOROETHENEPERCHLOROETHENE n. a chlorine-carbon compound widely used for the dry cleaning of fabrics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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