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There are 12 words ending with THECA

THECAtheca n. (Biology) Any external case or sheath.
theca n. (Botany) The pollen-producing organ usually found in pairs and forming an anther.
theca n. (Medicine) The twin layers of cells surrounding the basal lamina of an ovarian follicle.
OOTHECAootheca n. An egg case of any of the orthopteroid insects (such as cockroaches and mantids).
oötheca n. Alternative spelling of ootheca.
OOTHECA n. (Greek) the egg case of certain insects.
EPITHECAepitheca n. (Microbiology, planktology) The upper half of the theca of a thecate protist such as a diatom or dinoflagellate.
EPITHECA n. the outer older cell layer of a diatom.
HYPOTHECAhypotheca n. (Microbiology, planktology) The lower or posterior half of the theca of a thecate protist such as a…
HYPOTHECA n. the inner and younger layer of the cell wall of a diatom.
HYDROTHECAhydrotheca n. (Zoology) One of the calicles that protect the hydranths in certain Hydroidea (Thecaphora).
HYDROTHECA n. the horny cup of a hydranth.
RHINOTHECArhinotheca n. The hornlike covering of the upper part of a bird’s beak.
RHINOTHECA n. the sheath of the upper mandible of a bird.
BIBLIOTHECAbibliotheca n. (Obsolete) A library.
BIBLIOTHECA n. a collection of books; a list of books.
GLYPTOTHECAglyptotheca n. A room or building devoted to works of sculpture.
GLYPTOTHECA n. a place for keeping sculpture.
PINACOTHECApinacotheca n. An art gallery (especially a picture gallery).
PINACOTHECA n. a picture-gallery.
SPERMATHECAspermatheca n. (Anatomy) A small sac within the reproductive tract of some female invertebrates, such as insects, which…
SPERMATHECA n. a receptacle for storing spermatozoa in insects.
RHAMPHOTHECArhamphotheca n. A thin horny sheath of keratin on the outer surface of a bird’s beak.
RHAMPHOTHECA n. the horny or leathery outer layer of a bird's bill.
SPERMATOTHECAspermatotheca n. Synonym of spermatheca.
SPERMATOTHECA n. a receptacle for storing sperm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 32 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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