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There are 12 words ending with TESIS

AMNIOCENTESISamniocentesis n. (Medicine) A procedure for obtaining amniotic fluid from a pregnant animal, by inserting a hollow needle…
AMNIOCENTESIS n. a surgical insertion of a needle into the uterus.
ATHETESISathetesis n. The act or fact of setting aside as spurious; rejection as invalid.
ATHETESIS n. the rejection of a passage as spurious.
CARDIOCENTESIScardiocentesis n. (Surgery) incision or puncture into the heart.
CARDIOCENTESIS n. surgical puncture of the heart.
CENTESIScentesis n. (Medicine, surgery) puncture or perforation.
-centesis suff. (Medicine) Puncture and aspiration of.
CENTESIS n. (Greek) a surgical puncture.
CORDOCENTESIScordocentesis n. (Surgery) The removal of blood from an umbilical cord in utero for testing.
CORDOCENTESIS n. the removal of a sample of fetal blood from the umbilical vein by inserting a hollow needle through the wall of the pregnant woman's abdomen.
ECBLASTESISecblastesis n. (Botany) The production of buds within flowers.
ECBLASTESIS n. proliferation of a floral axis.
ENTEROCENTESISenterocentesis n. (Surgery) puncture of the intestine (in order to take a sample of its contents).
ENTEROCENTESIS n. operative puncturing of the intestine.
EROTESISerotesis n. (Rhetoric) A figure of speech whereby a question is asked in confident expectation of a negative answer.
EROTESIS n. (Greek) a rhetorical question, also EROTEMA, EROTEME.
PARACENTESISparacentesis n. (Surgery) A medical procedure involving needle drainage of fluid from a body cavity, most commonly the abdomen.
PARACENTESIS n. the tapping of body fluid.
PLEUROCENTESISpleurocentesis n. Synonym of thoracentesis.
PLEUROCENTESIS n. the surgical puncture of the pleural cavity using a hollow needle, in order to withdraw fluid, drain blood, etc.
THORACENTESISthoracentesis n. (Surgery) A medical procedure involving needle drainage of air or fluid from the pleural space.
THORACENTESIS n. surgery performed to draw off fluid from the pleural cavity, also THORACOCENTESIS.
THORACOCENTESISthoracocentesis n. Thoracentesis.
THORACOCENTESIS n. surgery performed to draw off fluid from the pleural cavity, usually using a hollow needle inserted through the wall of the chest, also THORACENTESIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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