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List of 9-letter words ending with

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There are 14 nine-letter words ending with TMENT

AGISTMENTagistment n. The taking in by any one of other people’s livestock to graze at a certain rate.
agistment n. A charge or rate against lands.
agistment n. (Historical) The taking and feeding of other people’s cattle in the king’s forests; the price paid for…
ALLOTMENTallotment n. The act of allotting.
allotment n. Something allotted; a share, part, or portion granted or distributed.
allotment n. (Law) The allowance of a specific amount of money or other credit of a particular thing to a particular person.
APARTMENTapartment n. (Chiefly North America, Philippines) A complete domicile occupying only part of a building, especially…
apartment n. (Archaic) A suite of rooms within a domicile, designated for a specific person or persons and including a bedroom.
apartment n. (Obsolete) A division of an enclosure that is separate from others; a compartment.
BESETMENTbesetment n. The state of being beset.
BESETMENT n. the act of besetting, or the state of being beset.
BLASTMENTblastment n. (Archaic) A sudden strike or injury; a pernicious thing.
BLASTMENT n. (Shakespeare) a blight.
EJECTMENTejectment n. (Law) The legal process of ejecting someone from their property or holdings.
ejectment n. (Generally) A casting out, an ejection.
EJECTMENT n. expulsion; dispossession; an action for the recovery of the possession of land.
ENACTMENTenactment n. The act of enacting, or the state of being enacted.
enactment n. (Law) A piece of legislation that has been properly authorized by a legislative body.
ENACTMENT n. the passing of a bill into law.
EXACTMENTexactment n. The process of exacting something; exaction.
EXACTMENT n. exactness.
RABATMENTrabatment n. The rotation of a plane figure.
RABATMENT n. rotation into coincidence with another plane.
REBUTMENTrebutment n. Rebuttal.
REBUTMENT n. the act of rebutting.
REFITMENTrefitment n. The act of refitting, or the state of being refitted.
REFITMENT n. the act of refitting, or the state of being refitted.
REMITMENTremitment n. The act of remitting; remission.
REMITMENT n. the act of remitting, also REMITTAL.
REVETMENTrevetment n. A layer of stone, concrete, or other hard material supporting the side of an embankment.
revetment n. An ornamental facing, as on a common masonry wall, of marble, face brick, tiles, etc.
revetment n. An armoured building that provides protection against bombs.
TREATMENTtreatment n. The process or manner of treating someone or something.
treatment n. Medical care for an illness or injury.
treatment n. The use of a substance or process to preserve or give particular properties to something.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 24 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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