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List of 7-letter words ending with

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There are 14 seven-letter words ending with TIVE

AMATIVEamative adj. Pertaining to love; amorous.
AMATIVE adj. strongly moved by love esp. sexual love.
CAITIVEcaitive n. (Obsolete) A captive.
CAITIVE n. (Spenser) a captive, subject, also CAITIFF.
CAPTIVEcaptive n. One who has been captured or is otherwise confined.
captive n. One held prisoner.
captive n. (Figurative) One charmed or subdued by beauty, excellence, or affection; one who is captivated.
COSTIVEcostive adj. Constipated.
costive adj. Miserly, parsimonious.
COSTIVE adj. affected with constipation, causing constipation.
ELATIVEelative n. In Semitic languages, the “adjective degree of superiority.” In some languages such as Arabic, the concepts…
elative n. (Grammar) In Finno-Ugric languages, one of the locative cases, expressing “out of,” or “from” as in…
ELATIVE n. a grammatical case indicating movement away from.
EMOTIVEemotive adj. Of or relating to emotion.
emotive adj. Appealing to the emotions.
emotive adj. (Grammar) Expressing an emotion.
FACTIVEfactive adj. (Grammar, of a verb) Licensing only those content clauses that represent claims assumed to be true.
factive adj. (Epistemology, of a knowing agent) Which does not know any falsities: which knows only truths.
factive n. (Grammar) A factive verb.
FESTIVEfestive adj. Having the atmosphere, decoration, or attitude of a festival, holiday, or celebration.
festive adj. In the mood to celebrate.
FESTIVE adj. befitting a festival.
FICTIVEfictive adj. Having the characteristics of fiction: fictional.
fictive adj. Resulting from imaginative creation: fanciful or invented.
fictive adj. Being feigned, ingenuine or unreal.
FURTIVEfurtive adj. Of a thing: done with evasive or guilty secrecy.
furtive adj. Of a thing: that has been acquired by theft; stolen; also (generally) taken stealthily.
furtive adj. Of a person or an animal: sly, stealthy.
RESTIVErestive adj. Impatient under delay, duress, or control.
restive adj. Resistant to control; stubborn.
restive adj. Refusing to move, especially in a forward direction.
STATIVEstative adj. (Grammar) Asserting that a subject has a particular property.
stative adj. (Military, obsolete, rare) Of or relating to a fixed camp, or military posts or quarters.
stative n. (Grammar) A construct asserting that a subject has a particular property.
TORTIVEtortive adj. Twisted; wreathed.
TORTIVE adj. (Shakespeare) turned awry.
UNITIVEunitive adj. Of, causing, or involving unity or union.
UNITIVE adj. serving to unite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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