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List of 10-letter words ending with

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There are 15 ten-letter words ending with TILE

BIQUINTILEbiquintile n. (Astrology) An aspect of two planets that are distant from each other by two fifths of a great circle (72 degrees).
BIQUINTILE n. the aspect of planets when they are twice the fifth part of a great circle (i.e. 144 degrees) from each other.
BISSEXTILEbissextile adj. Having an intercalary day, particularly the quadrennial leap day of the Julian and Gregorian calendars…
bissextile n. Synonym of leap year: a year with an intercalary day.
BISSEXTILE n. the extra day in the leap year.
CHRYSOTILEchrysotile n. (Mineralogy) A fibrous silicate mineral with the chemical formula Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4; a form of serpentine…
CHRYSOTILE n. an asbestiform variety of serpentine.
COLEOPTILEcoleoptile n. (Botany) A pointed sheath that protects the emerging shoot in monocotyledons such as oats and grasses.
COLEOPTILE n. the first leaf in grasses and monocotyledons, a protecting plumule.
FLUVIATILEfluviatile adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by rivers; fluvial.
FLUVIATILE adj. belonging to or formed by rivers or streams, also FLUVIATIC.
GEOTEXTILEgeotextile n. Any strong, permeable fabric used in earthworks for any of a number of purposes, including separation…
GEOTEXTILE n. any strong synthetic fabric used in civil engineering, as to retain an embankment.
MERCANTILEmercantile adj. (Economics) Concerned with the exchange of goods for profit.
mercantile adj. (Economics) Of or relating to mercantilism.
MERCANTILE adj. of or relating to merchants or trading.
NONHOSTILEnonhostile adj. Not hostile; free of hostility.
NONHOSTILE adj. not hostile.
PERCENTILEpercentile n. (Statistics) Any of the ninety-nine points that divide an ordered distribution into one hundred parts…
percentile n. (Statistics) Any one of the hundred groups so divided.
PERCENTILE n. the value below which falls a large number of statistical units e.g. exam scores.
PRODUCTILEproductile adj. Capable of being extended or prolonged; extensible; ductile.
PRODUCTILE adj. capable of being extended or prolonged.
PROJECTILEprojectile n. An object intended to be or having been fired from a weapon.
projectile n. (Physics) any object propelled through space by the application of a force.
projectile adj. Projecting or impelling forward.
REFRACTILErefractile adj. Able to refract, refractive.
REFRACTILE adj. refractive, capable of being refracted.
RETRACTILEretractile adj. That can be retracted (as a cat’s claws).
RETRACTILE adj. capable of retraction, like the claws of a cat.
SUBFERTILEsubfertile adj. Exhibiting subfertility.
SUBFERTILE adj. not very fertile.
TRAJECTILETRAJECTILE adj. relating to trajectory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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