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List of 10-letter words ending with

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There are 17 ten-letter words ending with TENT

ARMIPOTENTarmipotent adj. (Obsolete) Powerful in battle.
armipotent n. (Poetic, archaic) A powerful combatant.
ARMIPOTENT adj. (archaic) having strong weapons; militarily potent.
COEXISTENTcoexistent adj. Existing at the same time as something else.
coexistent n. That which coexists with another.
COEXISTENT adj. existing at the same time.
CONSISTENTconsistent adj. Of a regularly occurring, dependable nature.
consistent adj. Compatible, accordant.
consistent adj. (Logic) Of a set of statements: such that no contradiction logically follows from them.
DISCONTENTdiscontent n. (Uncountable) Dissatisfaction.
discontent n. (Uncountable) A longing for better times or circumstances.
discontent n. (Countable) A discontented person; a malcontent.
EQUIPOTENTequipotent adj. Having equal strength, ability or efficacy.
equipotent adj. (Mathematics) Of two sets, having a bijection with one another.
EQUIPOTENT adj. of equal power.
IDEMPOTENTidempotent adj. (Mathematics, computing) (said of a function) Such that, when performed multiple times on the same subject…
idempotent adj. (Mathematics) (said of an element of an algebraic structure with a binary operation, such as a group…
idempotent adj. (Mathematics) (said of a binary operation) Such that all of the distinct elements it can operate on…
IGNIPOTENTignipotent adj. (Poetic) Presiding over fire; fiery.
IGNIPOTENT adj. presiding over fire.
IMPENITENTimpenitent adj. Not penitent; specifically (Christianity), not repenting of one’s sins; unrepentant.
impenitent n. One who is not penitent.
IMPENITENT adj. not impenitent.
INAPPETENTinappetent adj. Lacking appetite.
INAPPETENT adj. lacking desire or appetite.
INEXISTENTinexistent adj. Nonexistent.
INEXISTENT adj. not existing, also INEXISTANT.
MALCONTENTmalcontent adj. Dissatisfied with current conditions; disaffected, discontented, rebellious.
malcontent n. A person who is not satisfied with current conditions; a discontented person, a rebel.
malcontent n. (Obsolete) A state of discontentment or dissatisfaction; something that causes discontent.
MISCONTENTmiscontent adj. (Obsolete) discontent.
miscontent v. (Obsolete, transitive) discontent.
MISCONTENT v. (archaic) to discontent.
OMNIPOTENTomnipotent adj. Having unlimited power, force or authority.
omnipotent adj. (Biology) Describing a cell (especially a stem cell) that is capable of developing into any type of…
omnipotent n. An omnipotent being.
OVERPOTENToverpotent adj. Too potent or powerful.
OVERPOTENT adj. too potent or powerful.
PERSISTENTpersistent adj. Obstinately refusing to give up or let go.
persistent adj. Insistently repetitive.
persistent adj. Indefinitely continuous.
SUBSISTENTsubsistent adj. Actually existing.
subsistent adj. Inherent.
SUBSISTENT adj. having real being; as, a subsistent spirit.
TOTIPOTENTtotipotent adj. (Biology) Exhibiting totipotency.
TOTIPOTENT adj. capable of development into a complete organ or embryo.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 43 words
  • Scrabble in French: 249 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 8 words

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