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There are 16 eight-letter words ending with TUM

ACONITUMaconitum n. The poisonous herb aconite; also, an extract from it.
aconitum n. Aconitum, a genus of plants in the family Ranunculaceae.
Aconitum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ranunculaceae – flowering plants in the buttercup family, with over…
AGERATUMageratum n. Any of the genus Ageratum of tropical American herbs, annuals and perennials, from the sunflower family…
AGERATUM n. a flowering tropical plant.
ARGENTUMARGENTUM n. (Latin) silver.
CEMENTUMcementum n. (Anatomy, dentistry) A bony substance that covers the root of a tooth; cement.
CEMENTUM n. (Latin) the hard tissue covering the roots of the teeth.
CHHERTUMchhertum n. Alternative spelling of chetrum.
CHETRUM n. (Tibetan) a monetary unit of Bhutan.
FACTOTUMfactotum n. (Dated) A person having many diverse activities or responsibilities.
factotum n. (Dated) A general servant.
factotum n. An individual employed to do all sorts of duties.
LOMENTUMlomentum n. Synonym of loment.
LOMENTUM n. (Latin) a type of plant pod, also LOMENT.
MOMENTUMmomentum n. (Physics) Of a body in motion: the tendency of a body to maintain its inertial motion; the product of…
momentum n. The impetus, either of a body in motion, or of an idea or course of events; a moment.
MOMENTUM n. (Latin) force of movement.
PLACITUMplacitum n. (Historical) A public court or assembly in the Middle Ages, over which the sovereign presided when a…
placitum n. (UK, law, obsolete) A court, or cause in court.
placitum n. (Law) A plea; a pleading; a judicial proceeding; a suit.
PRONOTUMpronotum n. The dorsal plate of the prothorax in insects.
PRONOTUM n. a hard outer plate of an insect.
PULPITUMpulpitum n. A massive, often decorative screen of stone or timber that divides the choir from the nave and ambulatory…
PULPITUM n. (Latin) a gigantic stone screen separating a cathedral choir from the nave.
RAMENTUMramentum n. (Botany) One of the thin brownish chaffy scales upon the leaves or young shoots of some plants, especially…
RAMENTUM n. (Latin) a scale formed on the surface of fern leaves.
STRIATUMstriatum n. (Anatomy) The caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus considered as a single structure.
STRIATUM n. (Latin) part of the forebrain.
TEETOTUMteetotum n. (Historical) A toy (spinning top) similar to a dreidel.
teetotum n. (Historical) A working men’s club conducted under religious influences, as an alternative to drinking in the saloon.
TEETOTUM n. (historical) a child's toy, somewhat resembling a top, and twirled by the fingers, also TETOTUM.
TESTATUMtestatum n. (Law) One of the clauses of an English deed, enumerating the operative words of transfer, statement…
TESTATUM n. (Latin) one of the clauses of an English deed.
TOMENTUMtomentum n. (Botany) A mass of filamentous hairs on the leaf of a plant.
tomentum n. (Zoology) A covering of fine, soft hairs; a pubescence.
tomentum n. (Anatomy) A network of fine blood vessels between the pia mater and the cerebral cortex.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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