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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 13 eight-letter words ending with TAT

AEGROTATaegrotat n. (Britain, dated) A certificate indicating that a student is ill, excusing attendance at lectures and…
aegrotat n. (Britain) An unclassified degree awarded to such a student.
AEGROTAT n. (archaic) an unclassified degree granted a university student prevented by illness from attending the final examinations.
AEROSTATaerostat n. An aircraft, such as a dirigible or balloon, that derives its lift from buoyancy rather than from wings or rotors.
aerostat n. A moored balloon flown in a semi-permanent manner, such as a border patrol monitoring balloon affixed…
AEROSTAT n. any lighter-than-air craft e.g. a blimp or balloon, as opposed to an aerodyne.
ANTISTATantistat n. Any antistatic compound.
ANTISTAT n. something that opposes static electricity.
APPESTATappestat n. The area of the brain (possibly in the hypothalamus) supposed to control appetite and regulate food intake.
APPESTAT n. a neural centre in the hypothalamus believed to control (food) appetite.
ATTENTATattentat n. (Law, obsolete) Anything whatsoever, as a ruling, by the judge of a lower court in a matter pending an appeal.
attentat n. (Law, obsolete) Any step wrongly innovated or attempted by an inferior judge in a suit.
attentat n. (Obsolete) An attempted assault or assassination of a political figure; a politically motivated attempted assault.
BAROSTATbarostat n. A device used to maintain a constant (atmospheric) pressure.
BAROSTAT n. an automatic device for regulating pressure, e.g. in an aircraft.
CRYOSTATcryostat n. Any device used to maintain a constant low temperature.
cryostat n. (Biology) A microtome held at a constant low temperature.
CRYOSTAT n. a refrigeration apparatus.
DESPOTATdespotat n. The government or domain of a despot.
DESPOTAT n. a territory governed by a despot, also DESPOTATE.
GYROSTATgyrostat n. A gyroscope fixed within a rigid case.
GYROSTAT n. a type of stabilising device.
HEMOSTAThemostat n. (Medicine) An instrument that clamps blood vessels to diminish or halt blood flow.
HEMOSTAT n. an instrument for stopping bleeding, also HAEMOSTAT.
ORLISTATorlistat n. A drug designed to treat obesity.
ORLISTAT n. an orally administered drug that reduces the absorption of dietary fat by inhibiting the action of enzymes in the digestive system, used to treat obesity.
PYROSTATpyrostat n. A thermostat designed to operate at high temperatures.
pyrostat n. An automatic draught-regulator for chimney-stacks, smoke-pipes, etc.
PYROSTAT n. an automatic fire-alarm and extinguisher; a thermostat.
RHEOSTATrheostat n. An electrical resistor, with two terminals, whose resistance is continuously variable by moving a knob or slider.
RHEOSTAT n. a resistor used to control electric current.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 24 words
  • Scrabble in French: 292 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 194 words

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