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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 14 six-letter words ending with TRA

CENTRAcentra n. Plural of centrum.
CENTRUM n. (Latin) the body of a vertebra.
CONTRAcontra prep. Against; contrary or opposed to; in opposition or contrast to.
contra adv. Contrary to something.
contra n. (Business) A deal to swap goods or services.
ELYTRAelytra n. Plural of elytron.
ELYTRUM n. (Latin) a hardened forewing of certain insects, also ELYTRON.
FOOTRAFOOTRA n. (Shakespeare) a worthless fellow, also FOUTER, FOUTRA, FOUTRE.
FOUTRAfoutra n. (Obsolete, derogatory) A fig or whit; term of contempt.
FOUTRA n. (Shakespeare) a worthless fellow, also FOOTRA, FOUTER, FOUTRE.
LUSTRAlustra n. Plural of lustrum.
LUSTRUM n. (Latin) a period of five years.
MANTRAmantra n. (Hinduism) The hymn portions of the Vedas; any passage of these used as a prayer.
mantra n. (Originally Hinduism) A phrase repeated to assist concentration during meditation.
mantra n. (By extension) A slogan or phrase often repeated.
OSETRAosetra n. Caviar made from the Ossetra sturgeon.
OSETRA n. (Russian) a type of caviar, also OSSETRA.
RISTRAristra n. An arrangement of chili pepper pods (or sometimes garlic) to aid drying and sometimes to serve as a decoration.
RISTRA n. a string of dried chili peppers.
ROSTRArostra n. Plural of rostrum.
ROSTRUM n. (Latin) a beaklike process or part.
SASTRASastra n. Alternative form of Shastra.
SASTRA n. (Sanskrit) any of the sacred writings of Hinduism, also SHASTER, SHASTRA.
SISTRAsistra n. Plural of sistrum.
SISTRUM n. (Latin) a kind of rattle, consisting of a wooden or metal frame fitted with loose strips of metal and disks which jingled when moved.
TANTRAtantra n. A Hindu or Buddhist religious or esoteric text.
Tantra prop.n. (Hinduism, Buddhism) The esoteric traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism that developed in India from the…
TANTRA n. (Sanskrit) a class of Hindu religious writings.
YANTRAyantra n. A geometrical diagram used as a meditation aid in tantric worship.
yantra n. (Religion) Any object used as a meditation aid in tantric worship.
YANTRA n. (Sanskrit) a geometrical diagram used in meditation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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