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List of 5-letter words ending with

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There are 12 five-letter words ending with TTA

BATTAbatta n. (India, dated) An exchange rate.
batta n. (India, dated) The discount on uncurrent coins.
batta n. (India, dated) Extra pay; especially an extra allowance to an English officer serving in India.
BETTAbetta n. Any fish of the genus Betta, especially Betta splendens (the Siamese fighting fish).
betta adj. Pronunciation spelling of better (comparative of good).
betta adv. Pronunciation spelling of better (comparative of well).
COTTAcotta n. A surplice, in England and America usually one shorter and less full than the ordinary surplice and…
cotta n. A kind of coarse woolen blanket.
cotta n. Alternative form of katha (“unit of area”).
FETTAfetta n. Alternative spelling of feta.
FETTA n. (Modern Greek) a crumbly white cheese, also FETA.
GOTTAgotta cont. (Informal, colloquial) Contraction of have got to (“have to; must”).
gotta cont. (Informal, colloquial) Contraction of got a.
GOTTA v. (colloquial) got to.
GUTTAgutta n. (Architecture) A small water-repelling, cone-shaped projection used in the architrave of the Doric order…
gutta n. A small round spot of colour.
GUTTA n. latex, also GUTTY.
LOTTAlotta cont. (Informal) Contraction of lot of.
LOTTA adj. (colloquial) a lot of, also LOTSA.
LYTTAlytta n. (Anatomy, archaic) A fibrous muscular band lying within the longitudinal axis of the tongue in many…
Lytta prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Meloidae.
LYTTA n. (Greek) a fibrous band in the tongue of certain carnivorous mammals.
OUTTAoutta prep. (Colloquial, US) Out of.
OUTTA prep. an informal contraction of out of, also OUTA.
PITTApitta n. Alternative spelling of pita.
pitta n. Any passerine belonging to the taxonomic family Pittidae.
Pitta prop.n. A surname from Italian.
SUTTAsutta n. Alternative form of sutra.
SUTTA n. (Pali) a precept; an aphorism; a brief rule, also SUTRA.
VITTAvitta n. A fillet, or garland for the head.
vitta n. (Zoology) A longitudinal stripe.
vitta n. (Botany) An oil tube in the fruit of some plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 46 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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