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List of 12-letter words ending with

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There are 6 twelve-letter words ending with TIA

ACARIDOMATIAACARIDOMATIUM n. a habitat for mites provided by certain plants that benefit from their presence, also ACARODOMATIUM.
ACARODOMATIAacarodomatia n. Plural of acarodomatium.
ACARODOMATIUM n. a habitat for mites provided by certain plants that benefit from their presence, also ACARIDOMATIUM.
GYNECOMASTIAgynecomastia n. (American spelling, medicine) Excessive development of breasts in males, resembling the breast development in women.
GYNECOMASTIA n. excessive development of the breast in the male, also GYNAECOMASTIA, GYNAECOMASTY.
RESPONDENTIArespondentia n. (Law, commercial law) A loan upon goods laden on board a ship.
RESPONDENTIA n. a loan on a ship's cargo payable on safe arrival.
SESQUITERTIAsesquitertia n. (Obsolete) A ratio of 4 to 3.
sesquitertia n. (Music, obsolete) A perfect fourth, an interval having the ratio of 1 to 1⅓, or 3 to 4.
SESQUITERTIA n. a perfect fourth; a rhythm of three notes against four.
TRADESCANTIAtradescantia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Tradescantia of spiderworts.
Tradescantia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Commelinaceae – the spiderworts.
TRADESCANTIA n. any plant of the American Tradescantia genus, with attractive, often variegated foliage, aka spiderwort.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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