ASTROPHYSICALLY | • astrophysically adv. With regard to astrophysics. • ASTROPHYSICAL adv. relating to astrophysics. |
BASICALLY | • basically adv. In a fundamental, essential or basic manner. • basically adv. Mostly; generally; for the most part. • basically adv. (Filler) used to refer to the most important or fundamental point the speaker is making; sometimes tending… |
BIOPHYSICALLY | • biophysically adv. With regard to biophysics. • BIOPHYSICAL adv. relating to biophysics. |
CLASSICALLY | • classically adv. In a classical manner; according to the manner of classical authors. • classically adv. In the manner of classes; according to a regular order of classes or sets. • CLASSICAL adv. resembling or in the style of the authors of Greece and Rome or the old masters in music. |
DROPSICALLY | • dropsically adv. In a dropsical manner. • DROPSICAL adv. of, pertaining to, or of the nature of dropsy. |
EXTRINSICALLY | • extrinsically adv. In an extrinsic manner. • EXTRINSICAL adv. outward, external, as opposed to intrinsic, also EXTRINSIC. |
FORENSICALLY | • forensically adv. In a forensic manner. • forensically adv. Regarding forensics, or forensic science. • FORENSIC adv. belonging to courts of law. |
GEOPHYSICALLY | • geophysically adv. In a geophysical manner; in terms of geophysics. • GEOPHYSICAL adv. relating to geophysics. |
HYPERPHYSICALLY | • hyperphysically adv. In a hyperphysical manner. • HYPERPHYSICAL adv. supernatural. |
INTRINSICALLY | • intrinsically adv. In an intrinsic manner; internally; essentially. • INTRINSICAL adv. inward, internal, also INTRINSIC. |
LACKADAISICALLY | • lackadaisically adv. In a lackadaisical manner; without enthusiasm or interest; perfunctorily. • LACKADAISICAL adv. lacking life, spirit, or zest; languid. |
MESICALLY | • MESIC adv. relating to a moderate supply of moisture. |
METAPHYSICALLY | • metaphysically adv. In a metaphysical manner. • metaphysically adv. Concerning metaphysics. • METAPHYSICAL adv. of or relating to metaphysicist, also METAPHYSIC. |
MICROPHYSICALLY | • microphysically adv. In terms of microphysics. • MICROPHYSICAL adv. relating to microphysics. |
MUSICALLY | • musically adv. In a musical manner. • musically adv. In terms of music. • MUSICAL adv. relating to music. |
NONSENSICALLY | • nonsensically adv. In a nonsensical manner. • NONSENSICAL adv. relating to nonsense. |
PHYSICALLY | • physically adv. In a physical manner. • physically adv. According to the laws of physics. • physically adv. Using physical force. |
UNMUSICALLY | • unmusically adv. In an unmusical way. • UNMUSICAL adv. not musical. |
WHIMSICALLY | • whimsically adv. In a whimsical manner. • WHIMSICAL adv. full of whims, odd, fantastical. |