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There are 9 words ending with SSETTE

AUDIOCASSETTEaudiocassette n. Alternative form of audio cassette.
audio␣cassette n. A cassette designed to hold recorded sound or music.
AUDIOCASSETTE n. an audiotape recording mounted in a cassette.
CASSETTEcassette n. A small flat case containing magnetic tape on two reels, used to record and play back audio and video material.
cassette n. Any similar small cartridge, such as for a computer disk or cassette air conditioner.
cassette n. (Photography) A lightproof container for photographic film.
CROSSETTEcrossette n. (Architecture) A return in one of the corners of the architrave of a door or window.
crossette n. The shoulder of a joggled keystone.
CROSSETTE n. (French) a small projecting part of an impost-stone at the extremity of an arch.
FOSSETTEfossette n. A little hollow; a dimple.
fossette n. (Medicine) A small, deep-centred ulcer of the transparent cornea.
fossette n. (Dentistry) A small depression in the crown of a tooth.
MICROCASSETTEmicrocassette n. An extremely small tape for use with a tape player, cassette player, or dictation machine.
MICROCASSETTE n. a small cassette of magnetic tape.
MINICASSETTEminicassette n. A small cassette for use with a tape player, cassette player, or dictation machine.
MINICASSETTE n. a small tape cassette for use in a handheld tape recorder.
POUSSETTEpoussette n. A movement, or part of a figure, in the contradance.
poussette n. (Card games) A method of cheating in card games, whereby a player surreptitiously changes his or her…
poussette v. (Intransitive) To waltz around each other, as two couples do in a contra dance.
ROUSSETTEroussette n. Any of certain fruit bats…
roussette n. Any small shark of the genus Scylliorhinus (syn. Scyllium); a dogfish.
ROUSSETTE n. (French) a kind of fruit-bat; a kind of dogfish.
VIDEOCASSETTEvideocassette n. A cassette containing a blank or prerecorded videotape on which visual images and sounds are recorded…
video␣cassette n. Alternative form of videocassette.
VIDEOCASSETTE n. a case containing videotape for use with a vcr.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 24 words
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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