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There are 18 words ending with STINE

CYSTINEcystine n. (Chemistry) A nonessential amino acid formed by the oxidation of cysteine; it contains two cysteine…
CYSTINE n. a sulphur-containing amino present in proteins.
DESTINEdestine v. To preordain.
destine v. To assign something (especially finance) for a particular use.
destine v. To have a particular destination.
SESTINEsestine n. (Poetry) A sextain.
SESTINE n. an old verse-form of six six-lined stanzas, also SESTINA, SEXTAIN.
PRISTINEpristine adj. Unspoiled; still with its original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied.
pristine adj. Primitive, pertaining to the earliest state of something.
pristine adj. Perfect.
ASBESTINEasbestine adj. Resembling or relating to asbestos.
asbestine n. A type of fibrous talc used primarily as a filler or extender.
ASBESTINE adj. of or like asbestos, also ASBESTIC, ASBESTOUS.
CELESTINEcelestine adj. (Obsolete) Synonym of celestial: of or resembling the heavens.
celestine n. (Obsolete) A heavenly being: an angel or other resident of Heaven.
celestine n. (Mineralogy) A mineral with orthorhombic crystals, SrSO4, colourless or white with blue and sometimes…
FORESTINEforestine adj. Of or relating to a forest.
FORESTINE adj. of or like a forest, also FORESTAL, FORESTEAL, FORESTIAL.
INTESTINEintestine n. (Anatomy, often pluralized) The alimentary canal of an animal through which food passes after having…
intestine n. One of certain subdivisions of this part of the alimentary canal, such as the small or large intestine…
intestine adj. Domestic; taking place within a given country or region.
HYDRASTINEhydrastine n. (Organic chemistry) A natural alkaloid present in goldenseal.
HYDRASTINE n. a white poisonous alkaloid extracted from the roots of the goldenseal, which has been used in medicine to contract the uterus and arrest haemorrhage.
LAURUSTINElaurustine n. Alternative form of laurestine.
LAURUSTINE n. a winter-flowering shrub, also LAURUSTINUS.
PHILISTINEphilistine n. (Derogatory) A person who is ignorant or uneducated; specifically, a person who lacks appreciation of…
philistine adj. (Derogatory) Ignorant or uneducated; specifically, lacking appreciation for or antagonistic towards…
Philistine n. (Historical) A non-Semitic person from ancient Philistia, a region in the southwest Levant in the Middle East.
PREDESTINEpredestine v. (Transitive) To determine the future or the fate of something in advance; to preordain.
predestine v. (Theology, transitive) To foreordain by divine will.
PREDESTINE v. to decree beforehand.
AMETHYSTINEamethystine adj. Like amethyst, especially in colour; violet-purple.
AMETHYSTINE adj. of or like amethyst.
CLANDESTINEclandestine adj. Done or kept in secret, sometimes to conceal an illicit or improper purpose.
clandestine adj. (Freemasonry, of a person or lodge) Not recognized as a regular member.
CLANDESTINE adj. marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy.
LANGOUSTINElangoustine n. A small edible European orange-pink lobster, Nephrops norvegicus.
LANGOUSTINE n. the spiny lobster, also LANGOSTINO, LANGOUSTE.
VINBLASTINEvinblastine n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A cytotoxic compound C46H58N4O9 of the alkaloid class obtained from the…
VINBLASTINE n. a cytotoxic alkaloid obtained from the Madagascar periwinkle, and used to treat lymphomas and other cancers.
VINCRISTINEvincristine n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A cytotoxic compound C46H56N4O10 of the alkaloid class obtained from the…
VINCRISTINE n. a cytotoxic alkaloid obtained from the Madagascar periwinkle and used to treat acute leukaemia and other cancers.
NONCLANDESTINEnonclandestine adj. Not clandestine.
NONCLANDESTINE adj. not clandestine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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