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There are 17 words ending with STAGE

STAGEstage n. A phase.
stage n. (By extension) One of the portions of a device (such as a rocket or thermonuclear weapon) which are…
stage n. (Theater) A platform; a surface, generally elevated, upon which show performances or other public events are given.
HOSTAGEhostage n. A person given as a pledge or security for the performance of the conditions of a treaty or similar…
hostage n. A person seized in order to compel another party to act (or refrain from acting) in a certain way, because…
hostage n. Something that constrains one’s actions because it is at risk.
LASTAGElastage n. (Obsolete) A duty exacted, in some fairs or markets, for the right to carry things where one will.
lastage n. (Obsolete) A tax on wares sold by the last.
lastage n. (Obsolete) The lading of a ship; ballast.
ONSTAGEonstage adj. On the part of a stage that is visible to the audience.
onstage adv. Taking place on the part of a stage that is visible to the audience.
on-stage adj. Alternative form of onstage.
POSTAGEpostage n. The charge for posting an item.
postage n. The postage stamp, or similar token, affixed to an item of post as evidence of payment.
POSTAGE n. the charge for mailing an item.
RESTAGErestage v. (Theater, transitive) To stage (a production) again; to bring (a production) to the stage again.
restage v. (Medicine, oncology, surgery; transitive) To stage (a disease, especially a cancer) again; to revise…
RESTAGE v. to put on the same play again.
UPSTAGEupstage n. (Theater) The part of a stage that is farthest from the audience or camera.
upstage adv. Toward or at the rear of a theatrical stage.
upstage adv. Away from the audience or camera.
WASTAGEwastage n. (Uncountable) The amount or proportion of something that is wasted or lost by deterioration or other natural process.
wastage n. (Uncountable) The periodical turnover of personnel in an organisation by death, retirement or resignation…
wastage n. (Countable) Anything lost by wear or waste.
OFFSTAGEoffstage adj. Of or relating to that part of a stage not visible to the audience.
offstage adj. Of or relating to the private life of a celebrity.
offstage adv. Taking place offstage (as above).
SUBSTAGEsubstage n. The stage, below the main stage of a microscope, to which attachments are fixed.
substage n. A stage making up part of a larger stage.
SUBSTAGE n. a part of a microscope for supporting accessories.
BACKSTAGEbackstage adj. Relating to, or situated in the area behind a stage.
backstage adj. Secret, concealed from the public.
backstage adv. Towards the area behind the stage.
DOWNSTAGEdownstage adv. Toward or at the front of a theatrical stage.
downstage adv. Towards a motion-picture or television camera.
downstage adj. At the front of a stage.
FORESTAGEforestage n. The part of a theatre stage in front of the closed curtain.
forestage n. A preliminary or developmental stage.
forestage n. (Obsolete) Forecastle.
MAINSTAGEmainstage n. The largest performing space in a venue.
mainstage n. (By extension) Any prestigious performing space.
mainstage adj. (Of something performed on a stage) mainstream; implies popular.
INTERSTAGEinterstage n. (Astronautics) The structure, generally containing mechanical components and instruments but no engines…
interstage n. (Military) The components of a multistage thermonuclear weapon which channel the radiation produced…
interstage adj. Between stages.
MULTISTAGEmultistage adj. Having more than one step or phase.
multistage adj. (Astronautics, of a rocket) Composed of multiple detachable parts.
MULTISTAGE adj. having many stages.
SOUNDSTAGEsoundstage n. Alternative form of sound stage.
sound␣stage n. (Film, television) A soundproof room or building used for the production of movies or of television programmes.
SOUNDSTAGE n. the soundproof area of a motion picture studio.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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