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There are 20 words ending with SHIES

BANSHIESbanshies n. Plural of banshie.
BANSHIE n. (Irish) in Irish folklore, a female spirit who wails and shrieks before the death of a member of a family, also BANSHEE.
BOLSHIESbolshies n. Plural of bolshie.
BOLSHIE n. a Bolshevik.
BUSHIESbushies n. Plural of bushie.
Bushies n. Plural of Bushie.
BUSHIE n. one who lives in the bush, also BUSHY.
COCKSHIEScockshies n. Plural of cockshy.
cockshies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cockshy.
COCKSHY n. a target in a throwing contest, also COCKSHOT.
CULSHIESculshies n. Plural of culshie.
CULSHIE n. a person from rural Ireland, also CULCHIE.
CUSHIESCUSHIE n. the wood-pigeon or ringdove.
FRESHIESfreshies n. Plural of freshie.
freshies n. (Slang, Antarctica) Fresh food, such as vegetables and eggs, that cannot be produced in Antarctica and…
FRESHIE n. (Hinglish) a new immigrant to the UK from Asian countries.
LUSHIESLUSHY n. a drunkard.
MASHIESmashies n. Plural of mashie.
MASHIE n. a kind of golf club.
MUSHIESmushies n. Plural of mushie.
MUSHIE n. (Australian slang) a mushroom.
RASHIESrashies n. Plural of rashie.
RASHIE n. (Australian slang) a shirt worn by surfers as protection against the sun, heat rash etc.
SHIESshies n. Plural of shy.
shies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shy.
SHY v. to jump aside, recoil.
SLUSHIESslushies n. Plural of slushie.
slushies n. Plural of slushy.
SLUSHY n. an unskilled kitchen assistant.
STASHIESSTASHIE n. (Scots) fuss, ado, disturbance, also STISHIE, STOOSHIE, STOUSHIE, STUSHIE.
STISHIESstishies n. Plural of stishie.
STISHIE n. (Scots) fuss, ado, disturbance, also STASHIE, STOOSHIE, STOUSHIE, STUSHIE.
STOOSHIESstooshies n. Plural of stooshie.
STUSHIESstushies n. Plural of stushie.
STUSHIE n. (Scots) fuss, ado, disturbance, also STASHIE, STISHIE, STOOSHIE, STOUSHIE.
TUMSHIEStumshies n. Plural of tumshie.
TUMSHIE n. (Scots) a turnip.
TUSHIEStushies n. Plural of tushie.
tushies n. Plural of tushy.
TUSHY n. (Yiddish) the bottom, the buttocks, also TUCHIS, TUCHUS, TUSH, TUSHIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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