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There are 16 words ending with SCHES

TUSCHEStusches n. Plural of tusche.
TUSCHE n. (German) a black substance used for drawing in lithography and as a resist in etching and silkscreen work.
BORSCHESborsches n. Plural of borsch.
BORSCH n. (Russian) cold beetroot soup, also BORSCHT, BORSHCH, BORSHT, BORTSCH.
FLYSCHESflysches n. Plural of flysch.
FLYSCH n. (German) a great Alpine mass of Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary sandstone with shales.
KIRSCHESkirsches n. Plural of kirsch.
KIRSCH n. (German) an alcoholic spirit distilled, chiefly in Germany and Switzerland, from the fermented juice of cherries, also KIRSCHWASSER.
KITSCHESkitsches n. Plural of kitsch.
KITSCH n. (German) faddish art or literature.
MENSCHESmensches n. Plural of mensch.
MENSCH n. (Yiddish) an admirable person.
PUTSCHESputsches n. Plural of putsch.
PUTSCH n. (German) a secretly plotted and suddenly executed attempt to overthrow a government.
TAISCHESTAISCH n. (Gaelic) an apparition of someone about to die, also TAISH.
BORTSCHESbortsches n. Plural of bortsch.
BORTSCH n. (Russian) cold beetroot soup, also BORSCH, BORSCHT, BORSHCH, BORSHT.
KLATSCHESklatsches n. Plural of klatsch.
KLATSCH n. (German) in North America, a coffee party or other social function, also KLATCH, KAFFEEKLATSCH.
QUETSCHESquetsches n. Plural of quetsch.
QUETSCH n. (German) a spirit distilled from the fermented juice of plums.
BRETASCHESbretasches n. Plural of bretasche.
BRETASCHE n. a wooden tower used in mediaeval siege operations, also BRATTICE, BRATTISH, BRETESSE, BRETTICE.
BACKFISCHESbackfisches n. Plural of backfisch.
BACKFISCH n. (German) a young girl, a flapper.
TOVARISCHEStovarisches n. Plural of tovarisch.
TOVARISCH n. (Russian) friend, comrade, also TOVARICH, TOVARISH.
SCHOTTISCHESschottisches n. Plural of schottische.
schottisches n. Plural of schottisch.
SCHOTTISCHE n. (German) an old polka-like round dance.
KAFFEEKLATSCHESkaffeeklatsches n. Plural of kaffeeklatsch.
KAFFEEKLATSCH n. (German) an informal social gathering for coffee and talk, also KLATCH, KLATSCH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 90 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 174 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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