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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 12 eight-letter words ending with STATE

APOSTATEapostate adj. Guilty of apostasy.
apostate n. A person who has renounced a religion or faith.
apostate n. (Roman Catholicism) One who, after having received sacred orders, renounces his clerical profession.
ARISTATEaristate adj. (Botany) Having a long bristle at its apex.
aristate adj. (Botany) Having a pointed, beard-like process, like those of the glumes of wheat; awned.
aristate adj. (Zoology) Having a slender, sharp, or spiny tip.
CONSTATEconstate v. (Linguistics) To relay information in a statement and say whether it is true or false.
constate v. To ascertain; to verify; to establish; to prove.
CONSTATE v. to assert.
CRISTATEcristate adj. Having a crest; crested.
CRISTATE adj. having a projection on the head, also CRISTATED.
CRUSTATECRUSTATE adj. covered with a crust, e.g. crustate lichens, also CRUSTATED.
ECOSTATEecostate adj. (Botany, of a leaf) Having no ribs or nerves.
ECOSTATE adj. of a leaf, having no ribs or nerves.
MISSTATEmisstate v. To make a statement that is in error, inadvertently; to say incorrectly, through a slip of the tongue.
MISSTATE v. to state wrongly.
NONSTATEnonstate adj. Not constituting or belonging to a state; not characterised by the institutional power or authority…
nonstate n. A sociopolitical entity other than a state.
non-state adj. Alternative form of nonstate.
OUTSTATEoutstate adj. Of the part of a state of the United States that is away from major metropolitan areas.
outstate adv. To a part of a state of the United States away from major metropolitan areas.
OUTSTATE v. to surpass in stating.
PROSTATEprostate n. (Anatomy) The prostate gland.
prostate adj. Of or relating to the prostate gland.
prostate adj. Alternative spelling of pro-state.
SUBSTATEsubstate n. A subdivision of a state.
SUBSTATE n. a subdivision of a state.
TRISTATEtristate adj. Having, or pertaining to, three distinct states.
tristate adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a region in the United States where three state borders come…
tristate n. (Programming) A variable, etc. that can take any of three distinct values.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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