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There are 9 seven-letter words ending with STATE

BISTATEbistate adj. Spanning two states.
BISTATE adj. pertaining to two states.
COSTATEcostate adj. Having ribs, or the appearance of ribs.
costate adj. (Botany) Having one or more longitudinal ribs.
costate n. (International law) A state in alliance with another state.
GESTATEgestate v. (Intransitive) To carry offspring in the uterus from conception to delivery.
gestate v. (By extension, intransitive) To develop an idea.
GESTATE v. to carry in the uterus during pregnancy.
HASTATEhastate adj. Of or pertaining to a spear.
hastate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Shaped similarly to a halberd, with pointed lobes pointed outward from the base.
HASTATE adj. spear-shaped, also HASTATED.
INSTATEinstate v. (Transitive) To install (someone) in office; to establish.
in-state adj. (US) Existing or occurring within a single US state.
in-state adj. (US) Of or from the state where an institution is located, especially a public or state-funded college or university.
RESTATErestate v. To state again (without changing).
restate v. To state differently; to rephrase.
re-state v. Alternative form of restate.
TESTATEtestate adj. (Law) having left a legally valid last will and testament (of one who has died).
testate n. (Law) one who has left a valid will and testament.
testate adj. (Zoology) Having a test (external calciferous shell or endoskeleton).
UNSTATEunstate v. (Transitive) To deprive of state or dignity.
unstate v. (Transitive) To withdraw (something previously stated); to unsay or retract.
UNSTATE v. (Shakespeare) to deprive of state or dignity.
UPSTATEupstate n. (US) The northern section of a state.
upstate adj. (US) Of the northern section of a state.
upstate adv. (US) To the northern section of a state.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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