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There are 14 words ending with SLIP

SLIPslip v. (Intransitive) To lose one’s traction on a slippery surface; to slide due to a lack of friction.
slip v. (Intransitive) To err.
slip v. (Intransitive) To accidentally reveal a secret or otherwise say something unintentional.
OXSLIPoxslip n. Alternative form of oxlip.
OXSLIP n. (Shakespeare) an oxlip.
COWSLIPcowslip n. A low-growing plant, Primula veris, with yellow flowers.
cowslip n. Any of several other plants related or similar in appearance.
cowslip n. Short for cowslip tea: a kind of green tea; an herbal tea made with cowslip flowers.
GYMSLIPgymslip n. A sleeveless tunic with a pleated skirt, most commonly seen as part of a girl’s school uniform.
GYMSLIP n. a schoolgirl's belted tunic.
NONSLIPnonslip adj. Having a surface designed to prevent or reduce slipping; not able to slip or be slipped upon.
non-slip adj. Alternative form of nonslip.
NONSLIP adj. designed to prevent slipping.
PAYSLIPpayslip n. A small document, included with an employee’s wage or salary, giving details of money earned and tax…
pay␣slip n. Alternative form of payslip.
PAYSLIP n. a note indicating the breakdown of wages.
ANTISLIPantislip adj. Preventing slipping.
anti-slip adj. Alternative form of antislip.
ANTISLIP adj. designed to prevent slipping.
LANDSLIPlandslip n. The sliding of a mass of land down a slope or cliff; a landslide.
LANDSLIP n. the fall of a mass of earth.
OVERSLIPoverslip v. (Transitive) To slip or slide over; to pass easily or carelessly beyond.
overslip v. (Transitive) To omit or neglect.
OVERSLIP v. to leave out.
PLAYSLIPPLAYSLIP n. a form on which a participant in a lottery draw indicates his or her chosen numbers.
SIDESLIPsideslip n. (Aviation) A flight manoeuvre that uses opposing rudder and aileron inputs to move the aircraft sideways…
sideslip n. (Aviation) A flight condition where an aircraft’s longitudinal axis is not aligned with its direction…
sideslip n. (Aviation, uncountable, by extension) The angle between an aircraft’s longitudinal axis and its direction…
SNOWSLIPsnowslip n. A large mass or avalanche of snow which slips down the side of a mountain, etc.
SNOWSLIP n. a large mass or avalanche of snow which slips down the side of a mountain, etc.
COVERSLIPcoverslip n. A thin glass plate used to cover samples mounted on a microscope slide.
coverslip v. To cover (a sample) with a coverslip.
cover␣slip n. Alternative form of coverslip.
PILLOWSLIPpillowslip n. A pillow case.
PILLOWSLIP n. a cover for a pillow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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