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There are 18 words ending with SHIE

BANSHIEbanshie n. Dated form of banshee.
BANSHIE n. (Irish) in Irish folklore, a female spirit who wails and shrieks before the death of a member of a family, also BANSHEE.
BOLSHIEbolshie n. (Derogatory, Britain, dated) A government leftist, especially a communist, socialist, or labour union leader.
bolshie adj. (UK) Difficult or rebellious.
BOLSHIE n. a Bolshevik.
BUSHIEbushie n. (Australia, colloquial) Someone who lives in or is familiar with the Australian outback; a bushman or bushwoman.
Bushie n. (US, politics) A political supporter or fan of U.S. President Bush (either Bush 43, or Bush 41, or both…
BUSHIE n. one who lives in the bush, also BUSHY.
CULSHIEculshie n. Alternative form of culchie (“unsophisticated rural person”).
CULSHIE n. a person from rural Ireland, also CULCHIE.
CULSHIE adj. rustic, boorish.
CUSHIECUSHIE n. the wood-pigeon or ringdove.
FRESHIEfreshie n. (Countable, colloquial, US, Philippines) A freshman.
freshie n. (Countable, colloquial, UK) A new immigrant (usually to the UK).
freshie n. (Countable, colloquial, Australia) A freshwater crocodile.
GRUSHIEgrushie n. (Scotland, historical) A Scottish wedding tradition where coins were thrown to the guests.
GRUSHIE adj. (Scots) healthy, thriving.
MASHIEmashie n. (Golf, dated) A metal-headed golf club with a moderate loft, the equivalent of a five iron in a modern set of clubs.
MASHIE n. a kind of golf club.
MUSHIEmushie n. (Slang) A mushroom.
mushie n. (Slang) A magic mushroom.
MUSHIE n. (Australian slang) a mushroom.
RASHIErashie n. (Informal) rash vest, rashguard.
RASHIE n. (Australian slang) a shirt worn by surfers as protection against the sun, heat rash etc.
STASHIESTASHIE n. (Scots) fuss, ado, disturbance, also STISHIE, STOOSHIE, STOUSHIE, STUSHIE.
STISHIEstishie n. Alternative spelling of stushie.
STISHIE n. (Scots) fuss, ado, disturbance, also STASHIE, STOOSHIE, STOUSHIE, STUSHIE.
STOOSHIEstooshie n. (Scotland) The disruption caused by a disagreement or misunderstanding.
STUSHIEstushie n. (Scotland) A commotion.
STUSHIE n. (Scots) fuss, ado, disturbance, also STASHIE, STISHIE, STOOSHIE, STOUSHIE.
TOOSHIEtooshie n. Alternative spelling of tushie.
TOOSHIE adj. (Australian slang) angry, upset.
TUMSHIEtumshie n. (Derogatory) A stupid or foolish person, idiot.
TUMSHIE n. (Scots) a turnip.
TUSHIEtushie n. (Colloquial, often childish) buttocks, bottom.
TUSHIE n. (Yiddish) the bottom, the buttocks, also TUCHIS, TUCHUS, TUSH, TUSHY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 33 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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