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There are 9 words ending with SANG

SANGsang v. Simple past tense of sing.
sang n. Alternative form of sheng (“Chinese wind instrument”).
Sang prop.n. A surname from Chinese.
BESANGbesang v. Simple past tense of besing.
BESING v. (archaic) to celebrate in song.
MUSANGmusang n. The Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), of South and Southeast Asia up to the Wallace Line.
MUSANG n. (Malay) a civetlike animal of South Asia, aka paradoxure.
LAPSANGlapsang n. Lapsang Souchong, a black tea from the Chinese province of Fujian.
LAPSANG n. (Chinese) a variety of souchong tea with a smoky flavour.
LINSANGlinsang n. Any of the members of two catlike Asian animal species classified in the mammalian family Prionodontidae.
linsang n. Any of the members of two superficially catlike African animal species classified in the mammalian family Viverridae.
LINSANG n. (Javanese) a civetlike animal of Borneo.
OUTSANGoutsang v. Simple past tense of outsing.
OUTSING v. to surpass in singing.
SATSANGSATSANG n. (Sanskrit) a sacred gathering in Hinduism.
PARASANGparasang n. A historical Iranian unit of itinerant distance used throughout the Western Mediterranean and the Middle…
PARASANG n. (Greek) an old Persian unit of distance.
SPRECHGESANGsprechgesang n. (Music) A form of recitative between speaking and singing.
SPRECHGESANG n. (German) a style of vocal delivery introduced by Schoenberg.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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