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There are 11 words ending with SADE

SADEsade v. (Dialect) To tire, weary.
sade n. Alternative spelling of sadhe.
ṣādē n. Alternative form of tsade.
TSADEtsade n. The eighteenth letter of many Semitic alphabets/abjads (Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic and others).
TSADE n. (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter, also SADE, SADHE, SADI, TSADI, TZADDI.
PESADEpesade n. The motion of a horse when it raises its forequarters and keeps its hind feet on the ground without…
PESADE n. (French) a dressage manoeuvre in which a horse rears up on its hindlegs without forward movement.
CRUSADEcrusade n. (Historical) Any of the Papally-endorsed military expeditions undertaken by the Christians of Latin…
crusade n. Any war instigated and blessed by the Church for alleged religious ends, (especially) papal-sanctioned…
crusade n. (Figuratively) A grand concerted effort toward some purportedly worthy cause.
PASSADEpassade n. (Fencing) A pass or thrust.
passade n. A turn or course of a horse backward or forward on the same spot of ground.
PASSADE n. (French) a turn of a horse backward or forward on the same ground.
TORSADEtorsade n. A decoration, especially on hats, made from twisted ribbon.
torsade n. (Pathology) torsade de pointes.
TORSADE n. an ornament on a hat like a twisted cord.
CAMISADEcamisade n. Alternative form of camisado.
CAMISADE n. (Spanish) an attack made at night, also CAMISADO.
GLISSADEglissade n. A sliding, as down a snow slope in the Alps (Wikipedia).
glissade n. (Ballet) A gliding step beginning and ending in a demi-plié in second position (Wikipedia).
glissade n. A move in some dances such as the galop (Wikipedia).
PALISADEpalisade n. A long, strong stake, one end of which is set firmly in the ground, and the other sharpened.
palisade n. (Military) A wall of wooden stakes, used as a defensive barrier.
palisade n. A line of cliffs, especially one showing basaltic columns.
EMBASSADEembassade n. Alternative form of ambassade.
EMBASSADE n. (Shakespeare) the mission of an ambassador.
ARQUEBUSADEarquebusade n. The shot of an arquebus.
arquebusade n. A distilled water from a variety of aromatic plants, such as rosemary, millefoil, etc., originally used…
ARQUEBUSADE n. (French) a lotion for shot-wounds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 27 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 13 words

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