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There are 18 eight-letter words ending with SITE

ADAMSITEadamsite n. An organic compound, diphenylaminechlorarsine, used as a riot-control agent.
Adamsite n. (US politics, historical) A supporter of John Quincy Adams (1767–1848), American statesman who served…
ADAMSITE n. a lung-irritating gas.
ANDESITEandesite n. (Geology) Any of a class of fine-grained intermediate igneous rock, of volcanic origin, containing mostly…
ANDESITE n. a volcanic rock found in the Andes, also ANDESYTE.
APPOSITEapposite adj. Strikingly appropriate or relevant; well suited to the circumstance or in relation to something.
apposite adj. Positioned at rest in respect to another, be it side-to-side, front-to-front, back-to-back, or even…
apposite adj. Related, homologous.
BOMBSITEbombsite n. A bomb site: a place where a bomb has exploded.
bomb␣site n. An area that an active bomb is contained in, normally sealed off by the authorities.
bomb␣site n. A building or other site destroyed by enemy aerial bombardment.
CAMPSITEcampsite n. A place where one or more tents may be pitched for overnight stay in an outdoor area.
CAMPSITE n. an area suitable for camping.
CERUSITEcerusite n. Alternative form of cerussite.
CERUSITE n. native lead carbonate, also CERUSSITE.
DUMPSITEdumpsite n. A dump for garbage, usually a dump that is actively in use; or the location of such a dump.
DUMPSITE n. a place for dumping rubbish.
FUCHSITEfuchsite n. (Mineralogy) A green variety of muscovite.
FUCHSITE n. a brilliant green chromium mica.
GIBBSITEgibbsite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral with monoclinic crystals, usually white but can have different colors, Al(OH)3.
GIBBSITE n. a mineral, a hydrate of alumina.
HOMESITEhomesite n. The plot of land on which a house is or can be built.
HOMESITE n. one's own site on the Internet.
JAROSITEjarosite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral with rhombohedral crystals, KFe33+(SO4)2(OH)6.
JAROSITE n. a sulphate of potassium and iron occurring as yellow or brown crusts on ferruginous ores.
LEWISITElewisite n. An organoarsenic compound used as a chemical weapon.
LEWISITE n. an irritant and poison gas used for chemical warfare.
OPPOSITEopposite adj. Located directly across from something else, or from each other.
opposite adj. (Botany) Of leaves and flowers, positioned directly across from each other on a stem.
opposite adj. Facing in the other direction.
OUTASITEoutasite adj. Alternative spelling of outasight.
OUTASITE adj. amazing, excellent, also OUTASIGHT.
PARASITEparasite n. (Derogatory) A person who lives on other people’s efforts or expense and gives little or nothing back.
parasite n. (Derogatory) A sycophant or hanger-on.
parasite n. (Biology) An organism that lives on or in another organism of a different species, deriving benefit…
TOWNSITEtownsite n. In former British colonies, a tract of land authorized to be developed as a town and then surveyed and…
TOWNSITE n. the site of a town.
WELLSITEwellsite n. The site where a well is located.
wellsite n. (Mineralogy, obsolete) A supposed mineral, later reclassified as a mixture of phillipsite with harmotome.
WELLSITE n. the site of a well.
WORKSITEworksite n. A site where work occurs; usually used in reference to construction work.
WORKSITE n. an area where work takes place.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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